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Full Version: Great Software. Not so great support
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(2010-05-09, 08:34 PM)Disturbed Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-09, 01:34 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-09, 07:57 AM)Disturbed Wrote: [ -> ]Although i had a somewhat disappointing interaction with support regarding a fix for a rare MyBB bug which i wanted to discuss in PM

As I've already said, your fix caused more problems than it solved, I even asked Ryan Gordon and he agreed. At the time you PM'd me I had a lot on and I'm sure a developer wouldn't have minded checking it.

My only concern was security. My fix doesn't seem to break that

So as long as your forum is secure, but you get a big gaping SQL error, it's ok?

You're logic doesn't make sense. Obviously if you're fix was legitimate we would have used it.
(2010-05-09, 01:34 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Again, I agree. People often say I answer everything but that's not the case, I very regularly leave a load of threads for other people to answer but they still go without replies, so I can't win. If I do a clean sweep I'm told I answer everything and if I leave threads people complain there's no responses. Catch 22.

What does it matter if you're the only one giving answers? If you have the time and know the answers surely it makes sense to provide those answers? At least people are getting their problems sorted that way. I can't understand why anyone would complain about that. Confused

I answer what I can on here but it's not a great deal, I've only been using MyBB a few months so my knowledge is pretty basic but I'll continue to offer help where possible.
(2010-05-09, 10:05 PM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-09, 08:34 PM)Disturbed Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-09, 01:34 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-09, 07:57 AM)Disturbed Wrote: [ -> ]Although i had a somewhat disappointing interaction with support regarding a fix for a rare MyBB bug which i wanted to discuss in PM

As I've already said, your fix caused more problems than it solved, I even asked Ryan Gordon and he agreed. At the time you PM'd me I had a lot on and I'm sure a developer wouldn't have minded checking it.

My only concern was security. My fix doesn't seem to break that

So as long as your forum is secure, but you get a big gaping SQL error, it's ok?

You're logic doesn't make sense. Obviously if you're fix was legitimate we would have used it.

Well sorry, but till you guys found a good fix for this bug i have to use mine, because my forum looks really shitty without. You guys are the experts, not me... So yes security is my main concern..

But since this isn't a reproducible bug it isn't even on the buglist.. And luckily it only happens on a few forums, so it's no big deal..

I was only trying to help lol...
(2010-05-09, 08:38 PM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]Hey...I just noticed that the Similar Thread function of MyBB is disabled here? Why is that?

I actually asked this myself and the response I got was that it isn't used because of it's high resource usage. I do think if the servers could handle the extra load that it would be useful to people though and it would also be good to "show off" this feature because not many users are aware of it.
I recall seeing it a few times but never actually knew it was a default feature tbh..
Yeah I agree. The support is not so great here.
(2010-05-18, 09:34 PM)that_guy Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I agree. The support is not so great here.

Do you have nothing better to do?
(2010-05-18, 09:38 PM)AJS Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-18, 09:34 PM)that_guy Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I agree. The support is not so great here.

Do you have nothing better to do?

I gave my opinion to this thread. What is wrong with that. You are out of line here and youu\ have nothing better to do.
(2010-05-18, 09:34 PM)that_guy Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I agree. The support is not so great here.

Thanks for your wonderful constructive criticism. It really helps us do better.
(2010-05-18, 10:30 PM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-05-18, 09:34 PM)that_guy Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I agree. The support is not so great here.

Thanks for your wonderful constructive criticism. It really helps us do better.

I doubt that the support will be improved any time soon around here.
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