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Full Version: Great Software. Not so great support
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Ah! I never thought about that actually. Harry does bring a up a good point.
Yes, that's a very big problem. People expect us to know how every single plugin ever written works, what can go wrong with them, and how to fix them, and then when we can't always help with it, people complain.
You could give a man a bag of money, but he would just complain because it's too heavy.
(2010-05-20, 06:07 PM)ch3m!c@L Wrote: [ -> ]You could give a man a bag of money, but he would just complain because it's too heavy.

Exactly, I think this is epic quotes worthy Smile
(2010-05-20, 06:07 PM)ch3m!c@L Wrote: [ -> ]You could give a man a bag of money, but he would just complain because it's too heavy.
+1 respect dude Wink
(2010-05-20, 06:07 PM)ch3m!c@L Wrote: [ -> ]You could give a man a bag of money, but he would just complain because it's too heavy.

I'm sure that_guy would find more to complain about than just the weight. Angel

Just like to point out that a few of the OP's "support" topics were plugin related, too.
I think everything that needs to be said on this topic has been said so I think this thread has run it's course.

At the end of the day I think people need to remember:
  • We are unpaid volenteers
  • We do our best given the manpower we have and the time we have available
  • We are here to support MyBB, not the usage of plugins or customizing default MyBB functionality though we usually do try and help when we are able to.
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