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Full Version: myBB over SMF?
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hmm... for example you have a thread about cats, and thread about dogs.
In one of the posts in "cat's thread" some user start to talk about cats and finish about dogs. Then another user answers him with same post, like:

"lalala i love cats.
blablabla dogs are cool"

and offtopic begins

to stop offtopic (that already exists) i need to do following:

1. copy this post to dog's thread and delete first part of post related to cats
2. edit original post in cat's thread and delete second part of it related to dogs

as result we have one post splitted to two posts:

in cat's thread: lalala i love cats.
in dog's thread: blablabla dogs are cool

i think offtopic is usual situation on every forum. Аnd moderator must have this "copy post" tool for moderation to clean posts from offtopic. I have big problems without this tool on my forum.
Yes, I understand how you would use it, what I'm saying is that nobody else has asked for this so it's clearly not a feature a lot of people are wanting for.
Or simple and usual situation: I want to copy some "best posts" from the different threads into one thread. All this is quite normal things.
i wonder why nobody asked about it
Meh, I never thought about something like that before. Maybe someone can help you in the requests board.
Yes... i think there is no another way to solve this.
(Not sure anybody will make such plugin for me)
But in my small bear's opinion it must be core feature in MyBB 2.0
Many forum engines have this feature.
I don't know, I don't think I've ever seen it to be honest. But on the other hand I've never actually looked for it either.
But how you'll prevent offtopic? What if same posts contains something related to another topic?
I tell the silly person to post in the appropriate thread!
Hmm, so as an update to my whole SMF/myBB thing. I've decided I'm going to merge my SMF with myBB and let my users decide if they like it or not.

I do like the features and I feel myBB is much more modern. The more I use it the more I like it. I'm hoping they will too.
(2010-11-16, 11:39 AM)Isabel Wrote: [ -> ]I tell the silly person to post in the appropriate thread!

but if it's too late?
Kick him in the balls, stops them everytime!

No seriously, can't you split the post?
I will split the post off, which creates a new topic. And then merge it into the topic it should have been in.

Does MyBB not allow this?
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