Hi @MyBB Staff!
I just want to suggest you to add the "Notifications" feature like in XenForo and esoTalk. I think it's a fantastic feature to have in a forum. Faster notifications for pms, profile comments, new answers for your posts etc. - I would really like to see this wonderful and fanstastic feature in 2.0!
These features are a nightmare for big boards. You can quickly get your site flagged for email spam. Sure starting off it might be okay but then your site gets big and you have users getting a ton of emails. Eventually you have to disable the feature and then members are unhappy.
And the extra load for these notifications can be huge on larger sites. I hope MyBB doesn't add such features.
It's already possible to get emails for PMs, replies to threads you've subscribed to - and we don't currently have profile comments... So you'd first have to suggest that! :p
I didn't mean what you understood. In fact, for notifications feature I meant the Notifications for every user in the forum in the toolbar ... I cannot do any screen because I own Linux and I do not know how to save and modify my image!
(2012-03-06, 07:24 PM)aigskullmeita Wrote: [ -> ]I own Linux and I do not know how to save and modify my image!
Taking screen shot on Gnu/Linux: Press PrtSc key on your keyboard

Editing image on linux: install Gimp or Kolourpaint or ...
Quote:I meant the Notifications for every user in the forum in the toolbar
@MyBB Staffs!
Todays, Ajax technology is growing up! and so popular.
I would love to subscribe to threads like in Xen or IPB.
Which that mean get a tab with notifications on the board itself, not by e-mail.
OP means this, and I disagree that MyBB should add it.
Oh, no. I understood that. Like Facebook notifications.
I just meant that currently you can be alerted to all those things - just not in the way you would prefer.
I don't know what's wrong with this feature and why you guys don't like it. It would be more modern than current notification system, and there can be a switch between normal and ajax notifications so that Big board users can use normal notifications.
A lot of people who use big boards use them for their content, activity, etc; rather than the features that the software they use have. I don't think much people would object if a big board administration decides to use normal notifications.
(2012-03-06, 11:40 PM)Ryan Loos Wrote: [ -> ]you can be alerted to all those things - just not in the way you would prefer.
Next 20 years, we will can be alerted to subscribed threads(etc) in the way is mentioned! but, It won't be customary.
Xenforo (and the other boards) are swapping their old ways with new ones using Jquery and Ajax. Xenforo probabely will solve its problems with ajax graduately and everyday so better.
What about MyBB? MyBB still doesn't have a WYSIWYG editor as default! when a large scale of boards are possessing a wysiwyg as in: SMF, Xenforo, Vanilla, vBulletin, ...
Escaping from ajax(or new things) will kill MyBB!