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Edit: looks like it's working quiet good now.. I used the "converter code" posted by Chris. Toungue

I now have some sentences like:

Op het \"vorige\" forum was dit al eens gevraagt, maar ik vraag het nogeensToungue: \"Wat is jullie top 3 van Komieken??\"

That should be Op het "vorige" forum was dit al eens gevraagt, maar ik vraag het nogeensToungue: "Wat is jullie top 3 van Komieken??"

Is there any why I could simply fix all those stuff?
Maybe this?
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
require "./global.php";
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts");
while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))
    $post['subject'] = stripslashes(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", $post['subject']));
    $post['message'] = stripslashes(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", $post['message']));
    $db->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts SET subject='".$db->escape_string($post['subject'])."', message='".$db->escape_string($post['message'])."' WHERE pid='{$post['pid']}'");
echo "Done";
Already ran that file this morning.. nothing changed. Sad
It's not what Chris posted.
I just made it so that's not possible. Toungue
Oo.. sorry Toungue

I ran it and I got a white screen..
There are still messages like this one:

the word één will show up as ??n Confused
Updated my post, please try again. I forgot an s.
ISO-8859-11 is problems.

this my thai.php

 * MyBB 1.2 thai Language Pack
 * Copyright ? 2006 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
 * $Id: thai.php 2143 2006-08-26 07:26:52Z chris $

// The friendly name of the language
$langinfo['name'] = "Thai (Thailand)";

// The author of the language
$langinfo['author'] = "Boozy";

// The language authors website
$langinfo['website'] = "";

// Compatible version of MyBB
$langinfo['version'] = "0.2";

// Sets if the translation includes the Admin CP (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$langinfo['admin'] = 1;

// Sets if the language is RTL (Right to Left) (1 = yes, 0 = no)
$langinfo['rtl'] = 0;

// Sets the lang in the <html> on all pages
$langinfo['htmllang'] = "th";

// Sets the character set, blank uses the default.
$langinfo['charset'] = "ISO-8859-11";
And the problem is?
Cool! It worked Big Grin

So.. now it's fixed in all tables?


Btw, could I also use it to run on my 1.1.x forum? I have the same problems there, but will upgrade in about a month or so. Smile
Another problem I found:

Could this also be fixed?

This also still is a problem:
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