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Full Version: 1point8 theme
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Comes with custom CSS3 tabbed profiles
Modified index, forum display, show thread pages for a cleaner look
Couple drop downs for user menu + show thread
The theme uses media queries so it will remove some useless things to fit on smaller screens (may be buggy on some as i can't test it)

Please leave my copyright intact, it's a free theme with no link back, report any bugs here and i'll help you.
Looks like a great start to the 1.8 themes. Nice work.
Thanks, i have another theme, just need to upgrade it for 1.8.
One suggestion I do have is to remove the text-shadow on the green backgrounds. I think it's a little too much and makes the text a bit too bold - it may look better without one.
I like the screenshots. I might try it for MyBB World until I code a new custom theme.
(2014-09-02, 02:19 AM)Jordan L. Wrote: [ -> ]One suggestion I do have is to remove the text-shadow on the green backgrounds. I think it's a little too much and makes the text a bit too bold - it may look better without one.

i did try that at first but it looked weird, i'll tone it down a bit more

@aarronnz you'll have to wait for it to be approved
Hey, can you make me a logo for this theme?
Saying what?
Its an amazing theme Andrew, I just downloaded it and experienced it through localhost. Once again i'll say good job bro and i will also report about bugs if i will find any,


Please add modal login box.
Hello folks,

Newbie question here: how do we change the theme color set ?
I would like to use color_earth.css. How to switch to that ?

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