2022-08-09, 10:04 AM
2022-08-09, 12:02 PM
(2022-08-09, 10:04 AM)DrXotick Wrote: [ -> ]Would like to see a dark mode.
It is already in this theme, i have added both light and dark mode to it.... By toggled you can achieve both dark and light as you want....
2022-08-25, 11:25 PM
Awesome theme, I think its the best of all.
How do I change the font of the forum containers?
image example: https://ibb.co/X5hY7dn
ive looked everywhere, and changed the fonts in font-family, and nothing is changing this font.
How do I change the font of the forum containers?
image example: https://ibb.co/X5hY7dn
ive looked everywhere, and changed the fonts in font-family, and nothing is changing this font.
2022-08-26, 10:23 AM
(2022-08-25, 11:25 PM)JesusChrist Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome theme, I think its the best of all.
How do I change the font of the forum containers?
image example: https://ibb.co/X5hY7dn
ive looked everywhere, and changed the fonts in font-family, and nothing is changing this font.
open global.css and search for .thead class (lines around 447 )
and remove the font-family propoert or change that something else as you want .
.thead {
font-family: "Open Sans",sans-serif;
text-shadow: 1px 2px 3px #111;
background: url(../../../images/swirl.png), linear-gradient(to right, #00c6ff, #0072ff);
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-blend-mode: hard-light;
color: var(--white);
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--darkest-green);
padding: 8px;
2022-08-26, 09:07 PM
Awesome, thank you.
Is there a way to make dark-mode by default?
Is there a way to make dark-mode by default?
2022-08-27, 06:22 AM
(2022-08-26, 09:07 PM)JesusChrist Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome, thank you.
Is there a way to make dark-mode by default?
Exchange the color variables of global.css with images/style-drak.css
open the global.css and search for the variavles inside :root {}
:root {
--ul-top-back: rgb(24,28,50);
--ul-top-a-col: #7e8299;
--ul-top-a-hov-col: #3989da;
--ul-top-a-hov-bord: none;
--ul-top-a-hov-back: #303347;
--ul-top-a-bord: none;
--lower-bg: none;
--theme-color: #287ade;
--white: #ffffff;
--black: #000000;
--pure-dark: #000000;
--grey: #999999;
--red: #ff3300;
--green: #00cc00;
--a-color: #0071bc;
--sced-a: #222222;
--sced-btn-hov: #f3f3f3;
--just-white: #efefef;
--slide-white: #dddddd;
--slide-grey: #c5c5c5;
--light-grey: #cccccc;
--just-black: #444444;
--text-black: #2b2b2b;
--dark-white: #eeeeee;
--dark-sky: #4874a3;
--near-white: #fafafa;
--just-grey: #888888;
--dark-grey: #666666;
--grey-tone: #aaaaaa;
--black-tone: #141414;
--darkest-green: #263c30;
--starting-grey: #bbbbbb;
--medium-black: #333333;
--medium-grey: #777777;
--fine-white: #f5f5f5;
--toolbar-bg: #f7f7f7;
--toolbar-border: #d4d0cf;
--lightest-red: #ffdde0;
--yellow: #f7e86a;
--lightest-yellow: #fffbd9;
--medium-yellow: #fff6bf;
--light-pink: #ffb8be;
--point-white: #f1f1f1;
--point-black: #0f0f0f;
--tcat: #0f0f0f;
--tcat-color: #ffffff;
--button-bg: #eeeeee;
--button-sced-bg: #ececec;
--button-color: #555555;
--post-btn-bg: #DDDDDD;
--post-btn-color: #33313B;
--light-violet: #e8deff;
--transparent-black: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
--alt-black-transparent: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
--transparent-white: rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
--alt-white-transparent: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
--font-color: #141414;
--black-font: #111111;
--label-color: #3c3c3c;
--main-bg: linear-gradient(69deg, #244a87, #00639b, #007ca7, #0093ac, #00a9ac, #00b4bb, #00beca, #00c9da, #00c7fa, #62c0ff, #abb4ff, #e8a3fe);
--dark-bg: #343F56;
--i-bg: linear-gradient(to left, #abb510, #bdae00, #cda700, #dd9f00, #eb9612);
--grey-point: rgba(158, 158, 158,0.5);
--pink-tone: linear-gradient(287deg,rgba(245, 195, 32,0.8), rgba(168, 106, 13,0.9),rgba(227, 50, 124,0.8) 0px,rgba(227, 50, 200,0.9),rgba(219, 131, 31,0.9));
--transparent: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
--transparent-tone: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(rgba(245,245,245,0.3)),to(rgba(250,250,250,0.2)), color-stop(.5,rgba(252,252,252,0.3)));
and replace with
:root {
--ul-top-back: rgb(24,28,50);
--ul-top-blur: blur(0px);
--ul-top-a-col: #7e8299;
--ul-top-a-hov-col: #3989da;
--ul-top-a-hov-bord: none;
--ul-top-a-hov-back: #303347;
--ul-top-a-bord: none;
--theme-color: #287ade;
--white: #222831;
--black: #424744;
--grey: #999999;
--red: #ff3300;
--green: #00cc00;
--a-color: #f1f2f3;
--lower-bg: #393E46;
--just-white: #222831;
--slide-white: #393E46;
--slide-grey: #3a3a3a;
--light-grey: #333333;
--just-black: #bbbbbb;
--text-black: #d4d4d4;
--dark-white: #111111;
--dark-sky: #4874a3;
--near-white: #050505;
--just-grey: #777777;
--dark-grey: #999999;
--grey-tone: #555555;
--black-tone: #ebebeb;
--darkest-green: #263c30;
--starting-grey: #bbbbbb;
--medium-black: #cccccc;
--medium-grey: #777777;
--fine-white: #232931;
--lightest-red: #ffdde0;
--yellow: #f7e86a;
--lightest-yellow: #fffbd9;
--medium-yellow: #fff6bf;
--light-pink: #ffb8be;
--point-white: #0e0e0e;
--point-black: #f0f0f0;
--tcat: #393E46;
--tcat-color: #ccc;
--button-bg: #111111;
--button-color: #aaaaaa;
--post-btn-bg: #1B262C;
--post-btn-color: #DDDDDD;
--light-violet: #e8deff;
--transparent-black: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
--transparent-white: rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
--font-color: #141414;
--pure-dark: #ffffff;
--sced-a: #dddddd;
--sced-btn-hov: #0c0c0c;
--alt-black-transparent: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
--alt-white-transparent: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
--black-font: #eeeeee;
--label-color: #c3c3c3;
--sced-btn-hov: #0c0c0c;
--toolbar-bg: #080808;
--toolbar-border: #2b2f30;
--button-sced-bg: #131313;
--main-bg: linear-gradient(69deg, #244a87, #00639b, #007ca7, #0093ac, #00a9ac, #00b4bb, #00beca, #00c9da, #00c7fa, #62c0ff, #abb4ff, #e8a3fe);
--dark-bg: #343F56;
--i-bg: linear-gradient(to left, #abb510, #bdae00, #cda700, #dd9f00, #eb9612);
--grey-point: rgba(158, 158, 158,0.5);
--pink-tone: linear-gradient(287deg,rgba(245, 195, 32,0.8), rgba(168, 106, 13,0.9),rgba(227, 50, 124,0.8) 0px,rgba(227, 50, 200,0.9),rgba(219, 131, 31,0.9));
--transparent: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
--transparent-tone: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(rgba(245,245,245,0.3)),to(rgba(250,250,250,0.2)), color-stop(.5,rgba(252,252,252,0.3)));
and open the images/style-dark.css and replace with it
:root {
--ul-top-back: rgb(24,28,50);
--ul-top-a-col: #7e8299;
--ul-top-a-hov-col: #3989da;
--ul-top-a-hov-bord: none;
--ul-top-a-hov-back: #303347;
--ul-top-a-bord: none;
--lower-bg: none;
--theme-color: #287ade;
--white: #ffffff;
--black: #000000;
--pure-dark: #000000;
--grey: #999999;
--red: #ff3300;
--green: #00cc00;
--a-color: #0071bc;
--sced-a: #222222;
--sced-btn-hov: #f3f3f3;
--just-white: #efefef;
--slide-white: #dddddd;
--slide-grey: #c5c5c5;
--light-grey: #cccccc;
--just-black: #444444;
--text-black: #2b2b2b;
--dark-white: #eeeeee;
--dark-sky: #4874a3;
--near-white: #fafafa;
--just-grey: #888888;
--dark-grey: #666666;
--grey-tone: #aaaaaa;
--black-tone: #141414;
--darkest-green: #263c30;
--starting-grey: #bbbbbb;
--medium-black: #333333;
--medium-grey: #777777;
--fine-white: #f5f5f5;
--toolbar-bg: #f7f7f7;
--toolbar-border: #d4d0cf;
--lightest-red: #ffdde0;
--yellow: #f7e86a;
--lightest-yellow: #fffbd9;
--medium-yellow: #fff6bf;
--light-pink: #ffb8be;
--point-white: #f1f1f1;
--point-black: #0f0f0f;
--tcat: #0f0f0f;
--tcat-color: #ffffff;
--button-bg: #eeeeee;
--button-sced-bg: #ececec;
--button-color: #555555;
--post-btn-bg: #DDDDDD;
--post-btn-color: #33313B;
--light-violet: #e8deff;
--transparent-black: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
--alt-black-transparent: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
--transparent-white: rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
--alt-white-transparent: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
--font-color: #141414;
--black-font: #111111;
--label-color: #3c3c3c;
--main-bg: linear-gradient(69deg, #244a87, #00639b, #007ca7, #0093ac, #00a9ac, #00b4bb, #00beca, #00c9da, #00c7fa, #62c0ff, #abb4ff, #e8a3fe);
--dark-bg: #343F56;
--i-bg: linear-gradient(to left, #abb510, #bdae00, #cda700, #dd9f00, #eb9612);
--grey-point: rgba(158, 158, 158,0.5);
--pink-tone: linear-gradient(287deg,rgba(245, 195, 32,0.8), rgba(168, 106, 13,0.9),rgba(227, 50, 124,0.8) 0px,rgba(227, 50, 200,0.9),rgba(219, 131, 31,0.9));
--transparent: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
--transparent-tone: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(rgba(245,245,245,0.3)),to(rgba(250,250,250,0.2)), color-stop(.5,rgba(252,252,252,0.3)));
2022-08-29, 02:47 PM
A new version of the theme will be updated with some minor changes.....
Soon A new theme will be published for sale with UIkit Designs .
Soon A new theme will be published for sale with UIkit Designs .
2022-09-16, 02:34 PM
Tomorrow will be release updated version of the this theme....
Thank You....
Thank You....
2022-09-17, 04:38 PM
Theme has updated with new version with new touch.... Live Preview: https://storiespedia.com/
Request to theme users to update their theme with the new version of this theme....
(once again I want to remind you guys, Install the plugin then import or install the theme )
A huge respect to @Laird , thanks a lot to him for his hands on this theme.... Adore to him....
Request to theme users to update their theme with the new version of this theme....
(once again I want to remind you guys, Install the plugin then import or install the theme )
A huge respect to @Laird , thanks a lot to him for his hands on this theme.... Adore to him....
2022-09-22, 01:17 PM
(2022-09-17, 04:38 PM)PARADOXP Wrote: [ -> ]Theme has updated with new version with new touch.... Live Preview: https://storiespedia.com/
Request to theme users to update their theme with the new version of this theme....
(once again I want to remind you guys, Install the plugin then import or install the theme )
A huge respect to @Laird , thanks a lot to him for his hands on this theme.... Adore to him....
Hello brother, I would like to know if the theme that you just published or if it is already taking its time, and I have read many positive comments, it works for the modern version of mybb, that is, it is compatible with 1.8.30 without any errors, that is , that many templates or themes that I have downloaded have their problems with the login when entering it, and I wanted to know if this one also has that problem, or in some that I have been able to try they give me problems with the rep, at the time to add a rep to a user, the modal is out of order and the script does not load, I get something like that at the end of the page "javascript: 0"... just to know, a simple doubt... ahh and by the way I tried it with an old version of mybb and it's fantastic... my respects to all...