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- Hide quotes from ignored users (15 Replies)
- Disable soft-delete quick buttons by default. (1 Reply)
- Select the email parse format (0 Replies)
- Activate Users from Mod CP (9 Replies)
- Trash bin module for soft-deleted content. (6 Replies)
- Single Page Applications (6 Replies)
- When will version 2'? (3 Replies)
- Customize google Recaptcha 2 Theme (5 Replies)
- Advance the private message system (30 Replies)
- Make it so images that are pasted in don't count as text characters (1 Reply)
- Tables without primary keys (11 Replies)
- Filter attachments by group (1 Reply)
- Problems with the Help system and ideas on how to fix them (4 Replies)
- Mybb should have Seo features built in (2 Replies)
- Printable Version as pdf (5 Replies)
- "Mark all threads as read" in search results (1 Reply)
- Removing user from moderators group (1 Reply)
- Better extentions repository (7 Replies)
- User group permissions for Private Messaging (7 Replies)
- Add some helper function to build correct URLs (0 Replies)