Anyone else having very long loading time here on community forums? I'm getting frustrated with the downtimes and now the site takes 5-10 seconds to load pages.
I'm unsure what MyBB is doing for it's hosting but I think the team needs to make sure this site is fast. Doesn't look very good to those who want to migrate large forums to MyBB.
So what's the deal guys? Is it your hosting or what?
Lately there have been server issues but Chris has been absent for a while. The last thing he's mentioned to us is the server has been misbehaving badly.
It shouldn't be too long until he looks into it. From his Twitter feed it seems he's just got back from his business trip.

I swear. You guys should just ask me to properly host you. I'd be happy to sysadmin for MyBB as my contribution. I can get you a dedicated and manage it myself. Your downtime would be minimized.

Haha they do but they arent going to be SMF spending all their money and sponsors money for the un needed 10 plus servers and virtulization crap. Its probably someone that is mad at mybb ddosing the server or something. Just wait a bit lol.
Sorry for miss spelling im on my phone.
I can get them a dual quad core for about $200 a month. MyBB doesn't need much imho and even a $120-$150 server would run this site well but for $200 this site would run on that server for maybe 2-3 years without change in hardware.
I can help them rig better donation setup if they want so that donations can go right to the server costs. I'm of course familiar with all aspects of sysadmin for security and running MyBB.
I'm a little sad that Chris isn't as active here as he used to be but I certainly understand the loss of passion after a few years. But you have to make sure you hand off the project to capable hands that give a crap. I know dev team is in good hands but what about the server? No sense in the software being great if the site is down or runs terribly.
And it's not that I personally need more things to do but I care a lot about how this project goes forward. It's my income and if this project falls apart then my income is at risk too.
On topic, yes it has been slow for a while now (a matter of weeks).
Labrocca, out of interest, would you really say MyBB would benefit from spending something like $200 a month on the server side? I'm just surprised by the cost and wondering at which point does a forum/site start to demand such resources and what is left as spare capacity/investment.
(2012-01-06, 06:49 PM)Andre R. Wrote: [ -> ]On topic, yes it has been slow for a while now (a matter of weeks).
Labrocca, out of interest, would you really say MyBB would benefit from spending something like $200 a month on the server side? I'm just surprised by the cost and wondering at which point does a forum/site start to demand such resources and what is left as spare capacity/investment.
MyBB is already running on a dedicated server, and I'm pretty sure it's more than $200 a month. We have the community forums, Redmine, Subversion, the blog, the wiki, et cetera. They all require resources and resources costs money. The more resources you need the more money it costs.
(2012-01-06, 07:02 PM)Nathan Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ] (2012-01-06, 06:49 PM)Andre R. Wrote: [ -> ]On topic, yes it has been slow for a while now (a matter of weeks).
Labrocca, out of interest, would you really say MyBB would benefit from spending something like $200 a month on the server side? I'm just surprised by the cost and wondering at which point does a forum/site start to demand such resources and what is left as spare capacity/investment.
MyBB is already running on a dedicated server, and I'm pretty sure it's more than $200 a month. We have the community forums, Redmine, Subversion, the blog, the wiki, et cetera. They all requires resources and resources costs money. The more resources you need the more money it costs.
Should all fit on a $250 server. At least one that is self-managed. My datacenter has very good prices mainly because of that fact.
A dual quad with 12GB ram, dual hard drives and a couple other upgrades would work imho.
Unsure what Chris pays now exactly and what the specs are but certainly something ain't so good. This site serving needs imho are not being met. Either the network sucks, the server sucks, or the server management sucks. Less suck would be nice.
I believe the main issue is the way we've ended up configuring the server. Originally measures were put in place to combat the DDOS attacks but they seem to be having a bad impact on the server.
MyBB can go for days being fine but then hiccup randomly. I'll be sure to pass along your offer internally. Your services would be greatly appreciated from my POV.
Quote:Labrocca, out of interest, would you really say MyBB would benefit from spending something like $200 a month on the server side? I'm just surprised by the cost and wondering at which point does a forum/site start to demand such resources and what is left as spare capacity/investment.
As noted they already spend at least that much. They also run a few things more than just this forum.
I think given the projects scope they should consider a long term management option that is tailored to their needs. Most managed servers are run very generically and don't offer much leeway for specific needs.
A few things are obvious for MyBB. It does experience DDOS attacks. It does run a few subdomain projects. It may benefit from special modules for both security and optimization.
I don't know servers exact specs or who really controls the server but this site is getting worse every month. At some point this needs to be dealt with by someone. I doubt opening a trouble ticket with the host would really do much. No one knows sysadmin of MyBB software more than me. That's a fact.