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Is there a way to make it to where staff can't get reported for topics or posts? Or can you choose certain users or user groups that can't get reported for posting. Like the button won't show there? Is that possible?

Also is there a way to make it to where staff can't give out warnings to other staff, and can't receive warnings. Is that possible?

2. Not without core edits. You could just allow one registration per ip: Admincp -> Configuration -> settings -> User Registration and Profile Options -> Maximum Registrations Per IP Address

3. Open ./chatbox/config.php
$config['showtime'] = true; // Show/Hide Time

Replace with:
$config['showtime'] = false; // Show/Hide Time


5. To ban a range of ip addresses. It's called a wildcard, use * to indicate any value, such as 127.0.0.* would ban any ip addresses with 127.0.0.ANY_VALUE.

6. Admincp -> Configuration -> Languages -> Your Language -> [Options] -> Edit Language Variables -> global.lang.php -> edit -> error_banned

7. Use group promotions. Admincp -> Users & Groups -> Group Promotions


9. Admincp -> Users & Groups -> Groups -> Group You Want To Find GID Of -> Check the URL, you'll see "gid=X". X will be the GID.

10. That would mean moving them groups, so no. You could just edit that users usertitle, however.

11. It already does?

12. That's an issue with your host, not MyBB. If you experience it often, try contact them.

13. You can edit the message displayed when a user registers in Admincp -> Configuration -> Languages -> Your Language -> [Options] -> Edit Language Variables -> member.lang.php -> redirect_registered_activation

14. I don't really understand what you're asking for this one. Could you explain?

15. Admincp -> Forums & Posts -> Forum Management -> The Forum you want to lock -> Edit Forum Settings -> Access Options -> Forum is Open? Uncheck this.

16. You'd need to request a plugin here. I believe the only way to do this would be via Javascript.

17. Not really as it has an index and displays that on the index, so you can't even just redirect it.

18. You'd need to modify the plugin.

19. It checks for HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR or HTTP_X_REAL_IP headers, sometimes sent by proxy servers. Leave it at no if you're unsure of what it does.

20. Admincp -> Forums & Posts -> Forum Management -> The Forum you want to edit Permissions -> Permissions

21. You'd need to request a plugin here. I don't think one currently exists.


23. Super moderators can use moderator tools in all sections.
Moderators can use moderator tools in only sections you assign them to.

24. You'd need to request a plugin here. The reputation bars exist but reputation power doesn't currently.

25. It will load for as long as it needs to. There's no way to make the loading image show for less time. If you feel it's an error with the plugin, you can ask for support for it here.

26. You'd need to edit your theme: Admincp -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Your Theme's Templates -> Forum Display Templates.



29. It will take as much time as it needs to load. There's not really a way to speed that up.

30. You'd need to request a plugin here. Although the user is still logged in, they can't do anything so there's no real need to log them out. If they are IP banned and try to register, they will get the following message:
Quote:I'm sorry, but you are banned. You may not post, read threads, or access the forum. Please contact your forum administrator should you have any questions.

31. Open ./chatbox/functions.php
Find & Remove:
return "prune1 > $shout[userid] > $shout[username] > $shout[dateline] > <span class='smallfont'>#<b>$shout[username]</b> $phrase[prune]#</span>";

32. Upload the new star image to ./images/your_theme/star.gif

33. #93FC00


35. You'd need to request a plugin here, I don't think one currently exists.

36. You'd need to request a plugin here, I don't think one currently exists.

37. Find:
			if ($isme)
				return "isme > $shout[userid] > $shout[username] > $shout[dateline] > *<a href='http://{$config['cbforumlink']}/member.php?action=profile&uid=$shout[userid]' target='_blank'><b>$shout[username]</b></a> $shout[message]*";
				return "chat > $shout[userid] > $shout[username] > $shout[dateline] > <a href='http://{$config['cbforumlink']}/member.php?action=profile&uid=$shout[userid]' target='_blank'><b>$shout[username]</b></a>: $shout[message]";

Replace With:
			if ($isme)
				return "isme > $shout[userid] > $shout[username] > $shout[dateline] > * <a href='http://{$config['cbforumlink']}/member.php?action=profile&uid=$shout[userid]' target='_blank'><b>$shout[username]</b></a> $shout[message]*";
				return "chat > $shout[userid] > $shout[username] > $shout[dateline] > * <a href='http://{$config['cbforumlink']}/member.php?action=profile&uid=$shout[userid]' target='_blank'><b>$shout[username]</b></a>: $shout[message]";

38. &

39. You'd need to request a plugin here, I don't think one currently exists.

40. That image isn't necessarily due to poor security. That image is just indicating a server has timed out, indicating it's likely down. Have a read of these threads:

Quote:You can access tools.php to manage: Smilies, Bad word, Banned users, Change notice (default password is 123456, you can change in config.php)

Quote:Many options in chatbox/config.php, you can edit this file to change settings
- Command (can change in config.php)
/notice - remove notice
/notice <message> - set notice
/prune - prune all message
/prune <userid> <reason> - prune all message by user
/ban <userid> <reason> - ban user in chatbox
/unban <userid> <reason> - unban user
- Change Timezone in config.php



45. You'd need to modify the plugin.


47. ModCP -> Moderation Queue

48. Admincp -> Configuration -> Moderator Tools

49. Run this query:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `usergroup`='5' WHERE `username`='X']
This is based on the condition that the awaiting activation group id has not been changed. Change X to the username you want to deactivate.

50. Create a gif with those images.

51. Admincp -> Users & Groups -> Groups -> The Usergroup's username style you want to change -> Username Style

52. You'd need to write some Javascript for that.


54. You'd need to request a plugin here, I don't think one currently exists.

55. You'd need to edit core files to completely remove it.

56. Admincp -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Your Theme's Templates -> Forum Bit Templates -> forumbit_depth1_cat

Find & Remove:
<div class="expcolimage"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$expcolimage}" id="cat_{$forum['fid']}_img" class="expander" alt="{$expaltext}" title="{$expaltext}" /></div>

57. Rename the admin folder to whatever you want, then open ./inc/config.php
$config['admin_dir'] = 'admin';

Replace With:
$config['admin_dir'] = 'NEW_ADMIN_DIRECTORY_NAME';

58. Admincp -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Your Theme's Templates -> Header Templates -> header
<li><a href="LINK_HERE">TEXT</a></li>
Anywhere between the <li></li> tags.

59. It's a MyCode. Admincp -> Configuration -> MyCode -> Add New MyCode

Whatever you want
Whatever you want
Regular Expression:
/me (.*?)
<font color="red">{$mybb->username}</font>


61. You'd need to request a plugin here, I don't think one currently exists.

62. Not on that chatbox, no.

63. ModCP -> Profile Editor -> User whose signature you want to suspend -> Signature -> Change this to whatever you want -> [] Suspend this user's signature


Admincp -> Users & Groups -> Users -> User whose signature you want to suspend -> Signature -> Signature -> Change this to whatever you want -> Suspend Signature -> [] Suspend this user's signature

64. It uses percentages so that once it reaches a certain percentage, the user is banned for a specified amount of time. You can already do this: Users Profile you want to warn -> Warn -> Send this user a private message notifying them of this warning. You can now provide a link to the foru rules or edit the message to however you want.

65. Admincp -> Configuration -> Settings -> Portal Settings -> Forum ID to pull announcements from

66. Open ./chatbox/fcb_badword.php
You can add or remove any words you want here.

67. Do you mean UID?
Admincp -> Users & Groups -> Users -> Merge Users
Thank you very much Vernier, I really appreciate all the work you put into this. Smile
No worries! If you have any more questions, just post back! Smile
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