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O, thanks
Read my previous post.
So the hosting account, will that be the web hoster?
Yes. Smile
So after you extract it you upload it 2 your webhoster or filezilla?

Is there anyway to go on the other demo accounts on the demo site?
Yes, that's correct.

Login Details

Username: admin
password: admindemo

Username: moderator
Password: moderatordemo

Username: user
Password: userdemo
How do you put the Ways to get your questions answered quicker, like how this site has it, but how do you put it on top of the forums like this site has it and how do you add 2 different ones like this site has it?

Is there a way to make it a drop down for the report button, like when you lick on report it will give you a drop down of options to select on, like spam or abuse, and stuff like that, instead of typing in in?

Is there a chat box plugin?

Who is the username zxcqya?

Is there a way to ban there IP while banning them instead of searching for it?

What does this mean?

Username *
Note: To indicate a wild card match, use *
1. Please elaborate.

2. You'd need to make some edits. I'm sure it'd be possible.


4. It's a demo board of MyBB. Anyone could sign up. Not really relevant.

5. No. I believe this was posted in 1.8 / 2.0 suggestions / feedback a while ago.
Is there a way to make certain forums require a certain amount of posts to view it?
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