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Full Version: RSS Feed Poster 7.2
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I want to see in the next update:

> automatically embed images from the source, not "<img src="" ...>
> Automatically convert "ul, li" codes to mybb bb codes.
> In short, convert all html codes to bb codes.
Hey there,

Not sure if there's an update or anything (haven't seen anything in the previous posts to suggest this), but can someone help me with this problem I have?

- I configured the RSS Feed Poster to read from SWTOR News Articles and SWTOR Dev Blogs.

- When the RSS Feed Poster posts, it only posts this:
Companion Characters Update - Part 2

The role of a companion in your group, and their AI, is explained by William Wallace. 

I would like it to post a link to either the full article, or to actually post the news article itself (Full article).

Can someone help me with this?
If you look at the feed. Do you see the full feed in the article itself?
Well, the feed itself only has the part in between code brackets, which is what the bot posts. The full article doesn't link to the RSS or anything, if that's what you mean
Yeah that would be hard to pull off you would need to a cURL request to the page that have a a code to parse the page and extract the areas that are needed.
Well, it appears the RSS feed *does* have links to the original article, but the RSS bot doesn't post those
vbgamer45, how can i change the source link to Read More?
I think that we need to modify ['link'] in task.php file, but dont know how to do It...
Can someone please help me?
Thank you!

task.php code:
RSS Feed Poster
by: vbgamer45
Copyright 2010

License Information:

Links to must remain unless
branding free option is purchased.

$feedcount = 0;
$maxitemcount = 0;
$tag = '';
$tag_attrs = '';
$insideitem = false;
$depth = array();

function verify_rss_url($url)
	global $txt, $depth;

	// Rss Data storage
	$finalrss = '';
	$failed = true;

		$fp2 = @fopen($url, "r");
		if ($fp2)
			$failed = false;
			$contents = '';
			while (!feof($fp2))
			  $contents .= fread($fp2, 8192);
			$finalrss = $contents;

		if($failed == true)
			$url_array = parse_url($url);
			$fp = @fsockopen($url_array['host'], 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
			if (!$fp)
				$failed = false;
			   $out = "GET " . $url_array['path'] . (@$url_array['query'] != '' ? '?' . $url_array['query'] : '') . "  HTTP/1.1\r\n";
			   $out .= "Host: " . $url_array['host'] . "\r\n";
			   $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
			   fwrite($fp, $out);
			   $rssdata = '';
		   $header = '';
		   // Remove stupid headers.
				$header .= fgets ($fp, 128 );

		 	 } while ( strpos($header, "\r\n\r\n" ) === false );
			   while (!feof($fp))
			       $rssdata .= fgets($fp, 128);
			   @$finalrss = @$rssdata;

	// Use cURL

		if($failed == true)
				$failed = false;
				// Last but not least try cUrl
				$ch = curl_init();
				// set URL and other appropriate options
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
				// grab URL, and return output
				$output = curl_exec($ch);
				// close curl resource, and free up system resources
				return $output;

	// XML Parser functions to verify the XML Feed
	if($failed == false)
		$depth = array();

		$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
		xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement2", "endElement2");

		   if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $finalrss)) {
		                   xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser)), false);

		// We were not able to download the feed :(


function startElement2($parser, $name, $attrs)
   global $depth;

function endElement2($parser, $name)
   global $depth;

function UpdateRSSFeedBots($task)
	global $db, $context, $feedcount, $maxitemcount, $insideitem, $tag, $tag_attrs;

	// First get all the enabled bots
	$context['feeds'] = array();
	$request = $db->write_query("
				ID_FEED, fid, feedurl, title, postername, updatetime, enabled, html,
				uid, locked, articlelink, topicprefix, numbertoimport, importevery, markasread 
			FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."feedbot
			WHERE enabled = 1");

	while ($row = $db->fetch_array($request))
		$context['feeds'][] = $row;


	require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/datahandlers/post.php";

	// Check if a field expired
	foreach ($context['feeds'] as $key => $feed)

		$current_time = time();

		// If the feedbot time to next import has expired
		//add_task_log($task, "Check " . ($current_time + (60 * $feed['importevery'])) . " :" . $feed['updatetime']);
		if ($current_time > $feed['updatetime'])

			$feeddata = GetRSSData($feed['feedurl']);

			if ($feeddata != false)

				// Process the XML
					$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
					$context['feeditems'] = array();
					$feedcount = 0;
					$maxitemcount = $feed['numbertoimport'];
					$tag = '';
					$tag_attrs = '';
					$insideitem = false;
					$context['feeditems'][0] = array();
					$context['feeditems'][0][] = array();
					$context['feeditems'][0]['title'] = '';
					$context['feeditems'][0]['description'] = '';
					$context['feeditems'][0]['link'] = '';

					xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement1", "endElement1");
					xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData1");

					if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $feeddata))
						// Error reading xml data

					   	// Data must be valid lets extra some information from it
					   	// RSS Feeds are a list of items that might contain title, description, and link

					   	// Free the xml parser memory

						// Loop though all the items
						$myfeedcount = 0;

						for ($i = 0; $i < ($feedcount); $i++)

							if ($myfeedcount >= $maxitemcount)
							//add_task_log($task, "NotSkip: $myfeedcount : $maxitemcount : $feedcount  T:" . $context['feeditems'][$i]['title']);

							// Check feed Log
							// Generate the hash for the log
							if(!isset($context['feeditems'][$i]['title']) || !isset($context['feeditems'][$i]['description']))
							if(empty($context['feeditems'][$i]['title']) && empty($context['feeditems'][$i]['description']))

							$itemhash = md5($context['feeditems'][$i]['title'] . $context['feeditems'][$i]['description']);
							$request = $db->write_query("
							FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."feedbot_log
							WHERE feedhash = '$itemhash'");

							// If no has has found that means no duplicate entry
							if ($db->num_rows($request) == 0)

								// Create the Post
								$msg_title = ($feed['html'] ? $context['feeditems'][$i]['title'] : strip_tags($context['feeditems'][$i]['title']));

								$msg_body =  ($feed['html'] ? $context['feeditems'][$i]['description'] . "\n\n" . $context['feeditems'][$i]['link']  : strip_tags($context['feeditems'][$i]['description'] .  "\n\n" . $context['feeditems'][$i]['link']));
								$posthandler = new PostDataHandler("insert");
								$posthandler->action = "thread";
								if (strlen($msg_title) > 120)
									$msg_title = substr($msg_title,0,115);
								$msg_title = trim($msg_title);

								$new_thread = array(
									"fid" => $feed['fid'],
									"subject" => $feed['topicprefix'] . $msg_title,
									"icon" => '',
									"uid" => $feed['uid'],
									"username" => $feed['postername'],
									"message" => '[b]' . $msg_title . "[/b]\n\n" . $msg_body,
									"ipaddress" => '',
									"posthash" => ''
								$new_thread['modoptions']  = array('closethread' => $feed['locked']);
								$valid_thread = $posthandler->validate_thread();
									$post_errors = $posthandler->get_friendly_errors();
									$thread_info = $posthandler->insert_thread();
								$tid = (int) $thread_info['tid'];
								$pid = (int)  $thread_info['pid'];
								if ($feed['markasread'])
									// Mark thread as read
									require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_indicators.php";
									mark_thread_read($tid, $feed['fid']);

								// Add Feed Log
								$fid = $feed['ID_FEED'];
								$ftime = time();

								INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."feedbot_log
									(ID_FEED, feedhash, feedtime, tid, pid)


					 } // End valid XML check

			}  // End get feed data
			// Set the RSS Feed Update time
			$updatetime = time() +  (60 * $feed['importevery']);
			UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."feedbot 
				updatetime = '$updatetime'
			WHERE ID_FEED = " . $feed['ID_FEED']);

		} // End expire check

	} // End for each feed


function GetRSSData($url)
	$url_array = parse_url($url);

		$fp2 = @fopen($url, "r");
		if ($fp2)
			$contents = '';
			while (!feof($fp2))
			  $contents .= fread($fp2, 8192);
			return $contents;

		$fp = fsockopen($url_array['host'], 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
		if (!$fp)
		   $out = "GET " . $url_array['path'] . (@$url_array['query'] != '' ? '?' . $url_array['query'] : '') . "  HTTP/1.1\r\n";
		   $out .= "Host: " . $url_array['host'] . "\r\n";
		   $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
		   fwrite($fp, $out);
		   $rssdata = '';
		   $header = '';
		   // Remove stupid headers.
				$header .= fgets ($fp, 128 );

		 	 } while ( strpos($header, "\r\n\r\n" ) === false );
		   while (!feof($fp))
		       $rssdata .= fgets($fp, 128);

		   $finalrss = $rssdata;
		   return  $finalrss;

			// Last but not least try cUrl
			$ch = curl_init();
			// set URL and other appropriate options
			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
			// grab URL, and return output
			$output = curl_exec($ch);
			// close curl resource, and free up system resources
			return $output;

	// Failure return false
	return false;


function startElement1($parser, $name, $attrs)
	global $insideitem, $tag, $tag_attrs;
	if ($insideitem)
		$tag = $name;
		$tag_attrs =  $attrs;
	elseif ($name == "ITEM"  || $name == "ENTRY")
		$insideitem = true;

function endElement1($parser, $name)
	global $insideitem, $tag, $feedcount, $context, $tag_attrs;

	if ($name == "ITEM" || $name == "ENTRY")
		$context['feeditems'][$feedcount] = array();
		$context['feeditems'][$feedcount][] = array();
		$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['title'] = '';
		$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['description'] = '';
		$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['link'] = '';
		$tag_attrs = '';
		$insideitem = false;

function characterData1($parser, $data)
	global $insideitem, $tag,  $feedcount, $context, $maxitemcount, $tag_attrs;

	if ($insideitem )
		switch ($tag)
			case "TITLE":
				$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['title'] .= $data;

			case "DESCRIPTION":
				$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['description'] .= $data;


			case "LINK":
				$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['link'] .= $data;
			case "SUMMARY":
			$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['description'] .= $data;

			case "CONTENT":
			$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['description'] .= $data;


			case "LINK":
				$data = trim($data);
				$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['link'] .= $data;
				IF (empty($data) && isset($tag_attrs['HREF']))
					$context['feeditems'][$feedcount]['link'] .= $tag_attrs['HREF'];

function task_rssfeedposter($task)
	global $lang;
	add_task_log($task, $lang->rssfeedposter_taskran);

How do you make the feed poster to post the full content in the RSS feeds ?

guys how to make the feed poster post the full content and the url source ?

i'm stuck someone can tell me how to do that

Mine does not work, running MyBB version 1.6.6 and RSS feed poster 1.5

It just don't post any RSS feeds into the forum that was created for it, have checked both task and ACP, both is ok.

Have even adjusted update time to 5 minutes to see if there is any activity?

Any ideas?
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