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Full Version: Anything big in Mybb's future?
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(2011-04-19, 10:54 PM)Uncontrol Wrote: [ -> ]I've never seen the admin panel tbh

It's really dull with ugly images that look pencil drawn.
(2011-04-19, 11:15 PM)Solidus Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-04-19, 10:54 PM)Uncontrol Wrote: [ -> ]I've never seen the admin panel tbh

It's really dull with ugly images that look pencil drawn.
I just checked out my demo. It is DISGUSTING! Maybe it's a prank?

(2011-04-19, 08:53 AM)Tomm M Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-04-19, 04:09 AM)Ryan Gordon Wrote: [ -> ]I think it would be smart for MyBB to take a step back and think about future trends and where they are leading too and how they factor into MyBB's future.

The trouble with future trends is nobody knows what they are. Who would have thought back in 2007 that Twitter would be making 65 million tweets a day? Every conference I go to, there's always something different or is "the next big thing".

To be honest though, I agree. I wouldn't be at all surprised that the plans we've laid out over the past 12 months change going through development. I'm not sure if you've seen Justin's latest work, but he's made a fantastic job of incorporating those "future trends" without losing MyBB's core appeal of being forum software.

Very true. I'm sure Justin's work on the new theme is great but I mean trends in more of a general societal way, i.e. it's clear that everything is moving toward NUI's (touch, visual interfaces) and portability (smart phones, tablets) and directing parts of MyBB development towards integrating those type of improvements I think will become a large part of MyBB's future over the next several years, as the drive for those type of technologies is adopted and improved rapidly.
[Image: AdminHome.png]

If I may ask, who is Justin?
(2011-04-20, 01:04 AM)blake Wrote: [ -> ]If I may ask, who is Justin?

That's justin and if you look at his site you can see he does great work Wink. Also made the Apart themes.

Edit: Damn forgot AJS was back Toungue.
(2011-04-19, 12:58 AM)trilobyte- Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-04-18, 11:12 PM)Solidus Wrote: [ -> ]MyBB is what you make it. It's the most customizable of any forum script I used.

MyBB is really great. I've actually ended up rewriting some of the core files to implement things I want. I'm not really skilled in plug-ins so I do things this way instead. Including things into templates is very easy to understand.
I think the biggest problem for myBB feature is the lack of plugins and themes. Other scripts have alot more then myBB does. I think this has to do with other communities having alot more of Plugin Developers and Theme Makers. And the developers here, always try to make it a sign up to there site sort of deal. Why should I pay for plugins when say "OtherBB" offers it for free?
(2011-04-22, 12:05 AM)bubka3 Wrote: [ -> ]I think the biggest problem for myBB feature is the lack of plugins and themes. Other scripts have alot more then myBB does. I think this has to do with other communities having alot more of Plugin Developers and Theme Makers. And the developers here, always try to make it a sign up to there site sort of deal. Why should I pay for plugins when say "OtherBB" offers it for free?
There are a lot of plugins and themes for Mybb. Maybe you aren't looking hard enough. And, if the developers want to make you pay for plugins, then you can either pay or not pay. Not everything in life is free.

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