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Full Version: Anything big in Mybb's future?
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The most needed plugins on a forum are generally available for free. In most cases if the plugin isn't going to be something many people will use a plugin developer will not want to create it for free as he is putting his time and effort towards helping a single person when there are plugins that many people want. Also, there is a large selection of plugins and themes available, I don't see how it's lacking from either category.
(2011-04-22, 12:05 AM)bubka3 Wrote: [ -> ]I think the biggest problem for myBB feature is the lack of plugins and themes. Other scripts have alot more then myBB does. I think this has to do with other communities having alot more of Plugin Developers and Theme Makers. And the developers here, always try to make it a sign up to there site sort of deal. Why should I pay for plugins when say "OtherBB" offers it for free?

(2011-04-22, 12:53 AM)Kolton T. Wrote: [ -> ]There are a lot of plugins and themes for Mybb. Maybe you aren't looking hard enough. And, if the developers want to make you pay for plugins, then you can either pay or not pay. Not everything in life is free.

[Image: pQiro.jpg]

There are tons of free plugins/themes available for MyBB. Why are you even comparing the number of plugins for x to y? It's apples to oranges, each software will have it's own individual needs. I'm sure several softwares require plugins/mods to do things MyBB offers as core features, really.

The quantity of plugins available is irrelevant. Sure, I could go make and release 50 plugins to do stupid little things, but what would be the benefit? I am personally disgusted to see boards running 40+ plugins, helter skelter and the admins don't even know what's what anymore. Honestly, go count how many mods the "other guys" have that are simple things like adding icons/links, adding random stuff to templates, etc. I've even seen several plugins for MyBB which do things that can easily be handled via a few simple template edits. It's ridiculous that plugin authors have to create these things to do modifications that Admins should be able to do themselves. I'd much rather have a few large, well-written and well-thought out plugins than a crapton of "add facebook link to header" ones.

tl;dr quality > quantity
(2011-04-22, 12:05 AM)bubka3 Wrote: [ -> ]I think the biggest problem for myBB feature is the lack of plugins and themes. Other scripts have alot more then myBB does. I think this has to do with other communities having alot more of Plugin Developers and Theme Makers. And the developers here, always try to make it a sign up to there site sort of deal. Why should I pay for plugins when say "OtherBB" offers it for free?

Because you pay $140+ for OtherBB's software license. Also, I've checked other forum softwares, and a majority of their plugins are paid ones.
Okay, let's not bring up the paid plugin issue here. We have no issue with paid plugins and in fact we see paid plugins as a major contributor to the MyBB economy. If you don't want to pay for plugins then don't buy them, make your own instead.

I'll unapprove any other posts on the topic of paid plugins so let's stick with the original topic.
Well, I just want to know which plugins this guy needs that he can't find. The only plugins I've found lacking are

1. Some that create basic functionalities that I would have expected to be in the software already, and will likely be in 2.0, or
2. Incredibly specific plugins that I couldn't have reasonably expected anyone to make

People just want to do too much crap with their websites. Use more focus.
Chris Boulton should sell the MyBB to some of the large software groups on the internet. Problem solved, professional outcome inevitable.
(2011-04-23, 08:43 AM)Murloc Wrote: [ -> ]Chris Boulton should sell the MyBB to some of the large software groups on the internet. Problem solved, professional outcome inevitable.

* pyridine remembers Jelsoft and InternetBrands

(2011-04-23, 06:47 PM)pyridine Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-04-23, 08:43 AM)Murloc Wrote: [ -> ]Chris Boulton should sell the MyBB to some of the large software groups on the internet. Problem solved, professional outcome inevitable.

* pyridine remembers Jelsoft and InternetBrands

Not all of them are that bad.

(2011-04-23, 08:43 AM)Murloc Wrote: [ -> ]Chris Boulton should sell the MyBB to some of the large software groups on the internet. Problem solved, professional outcome inevitable.

by far the worst idea posted in this thread so far
(2011-04-23, 08:43 AM)Murloc Wrote: [ -> ]Chris Boulton should sell the MyBB to some of the large software groups on the internet. Problem solved, professional outcome inevitable.
No thanks.
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