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Full Version: Anything big in Mybb's future?
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(2011-04-24, 05:53 PM)blake Wrote: [ -> ]Taking up bandwidth? Really? get over your self every one can post if they want to.

Did you read his post? It's a bunch of useless garbage. Yeah, he can post if he wants, but that doesn't mean people can't criticize him for it. This is the same dude who called not being able to copy and paste entire forum's worth of content as a "major bug."
(2011-04-24, 03:17 PM)adbrad Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance of a redesigned profile coming in 1.6 as i feel this lacks in design

We didn't want to make such a big change to something like this in the 1.4 > 1.6 upgrade, so we're not going to make that sort of change in a minor point release.
(2011-04-24, 06:44 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-04-24, 03:17 PM)adbrad Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance of a redesigned profile coming in 1.6 as i feel this lacks in design

We didn't want to make such a big change to something like this in the 1.4 > 1.6 upgrade, so we're not going to make that sort of change in a minor point release.

Fair enough just thought i'd ask.
MyNetwork is a good enough replacement I think. "Redesign" isn't as important as features. We admins can do "redesigns" ourselves.
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