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Full Version: Anything big in Mybb's future?
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(2011-04-23, 07:36 PM)Uncontrol Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-04-23, 08:43 AM)Murloc Wrote: [ -> ]Chris Boulton should sell the MyBB to some of the large software groups on the internet. Problem solved, professional outcome inevitable.

by far the worst idea posted in this thread so far
I dont like the idea of my agreeing with uncontrol, but he's right. Horrible idea.

(2011-04-16, 08:54 AM)Aries-Belgium Wrote: [ -> ]I must agree with the above that OP should elaborate more what MyBB is lacking in his opinion.

I personally don't like bloated forum software (like vB) which include everything in the core.
Btw, I tested XenForo's demo on their website and to be honest, I wasn't really impressed.
Including everything in forum idea is good, but must be implemented in simple way, not harder.
MyBB developer, if is planning version 2, must revolutionized that things in better ways. But...must have hughe and different ideas how look "inside" and which is important for faster and better controls.
(2011-04-16, 05:13 AM)Uncontrol Wrote: [ -> ]XenForo is cool and flashy but I've not found it to have a whole lot of substance that MyBB is lacking. I agree that MyBB is rough around the edges and outdated in some areas but I don't find any of them particularly drastic enough to consider switching to another software before 2.0.
I thing Xenforo in some areas copy designs functionality from some latest CMS (example: Concrete5). And I check and found some similiarity with other net software. Some things is good, but not new in net software, anyway, maybe only in forum software.. But Xenforo is NOT better from MyBB in AdminCP in any way. I check that!
MyBB have funcionality in other ways. MyBB is simple and strong.
If people need some flashy design and new "design" functionality, go! But, MyBB have much better ideas.

MyBB must change in some areas and have better and more control functions (like in vB/IPB, but I dont like it inside!-no way!) and redesign first in that ways. After that new improvements must give possibilities to change everything in DESIGN in all forum software! Good Design without strong and fast Code is nothing and must go to redesign in themes/templates different look commands/preferences/plugs etc. But who wait 2-3 years for changes? Huh MyBB developers must have 1st IDEA for changes in FORUM SOFTWARE! Than MyBB have future even vs. comercial software which is terrible in design and both-in functionality.
What is point? I have some very good ideas and I see >people have ideas<. Why MyBB developers not have some conclussion and take real actions? Or... MyBB have not good future? We must know whats happening and what we found here for 2-3 months or max. 6 months, not years, that is too long for waiting some improvements...
We must think for future of MyBB, especially for new possibilities inside, in software, not only for designs etc.
When have stable, strong, fast and modular Core, well, ... we have possibilities for anything in MyBB.
2.0 is coming in 2+ years; don't expect much before then.
Good things take time.
Pretty much, though I agree that MyBB is lacking quite a few features at this point and several years is a long wait time. Plus someone from staff had said there haven't even been feature meetings yet, so who knows when we will see this. I think there's a very real risk of a lot of people jumping ship between now and 2.0.
(2011-04-23, 10:59 PM)Uncontrol Wrote: [ -> ]Pretty much, though I agree that MyBB is lacking quite a few features at this point and several years is a long wait time. Plus someone from staff had said there haven't even been feature meetings yet, so who knows when we will see this. I think there's a very real risk of a lot of people jumping ship between now and 2.0.

Idk, look at how long phpbb2 lasted...

phpBB2 also had a much larger userbase, though

'nuff said.
I must agree with Uncontrol. It's not forum software, but look what happened to Firefox: in the time between the release of FF 3.6 and FF 4, over a year, they lost a lot users. The internet world is growing so fast that waiting a year without adding new features to an internet application is way to long.
1.6 will include feature updates, it's not like it's dead. But it won't be massive releases like trash cans or stuff like that.

Planning 2.0 doesn't start with features. It starts with infrastructure.
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