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Full Version: Cash/Bank/Points plugin v1.2 - 10/03/06
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Earn cash for your posts on a forum.
Donate your money to other users.
Keep a statement of all your transactions.
Configure each forum to have it's own values.
Limit usergroups to only get a certain amount each post.
Edit language files online to change how the plugin displays text

Language Packs: English, Dutch (destroyer)

10/03/2006 - version 1.2 released
Minor bug fixes. You don't need to use Advanced Plugins to update this time. You can simply overwrite the original cash mod plugin file with the new version. Of course, you can still see Advanced Plugins if you wish.
You do not need to deactivate your plugin to update

14/02/2006 - version 1.1 released
Fixes 1.0 bugs. Might not fix bug with 404 error. Still can't figure out why it's not creating the donate file...
Update instructions

1.2 - Bug/Fix - Installing without default table prefix would result in template error.
1.2 - Bug/Fix - Language packs would not work
1.0 - Bug/Fix - Could not edit signature - Upgrade to v1.1 Smile
1.0 - Bug/Workaround - 404 file not found/cash_mod.php not uploaded/Can not donate
1.0 - Bug/Fix - Template list won't expand
Version 1.1 of cash mod released.

Fixes two problems with 1.0. The template list and the signature bug. Not sure why the donate file isn't created but it will try to create the file on update if it doesn't exist.

Updating to version 1.1
Use the "Auto Install" button next to Cash Mod on the plugins page.
Click "Yes, use EI".
You should see a confirmation page telling you that Cash Mod has been updated.
Awesome work decswxaqz!

I'll install it and have a look at it. I'd certainly like to do something of a 'lottery' and 'scratchies' sortof thing to add to this. From the screenshots it looks sweet.

Edit: Yeah, you know it sucks. I encountered problems already.

I installed EIv1.2, then Advanced Plugins, (activated them in that order) and then activated the Cashmod (this brought up an error)

Quote:mySQL error: 1054
Unknown column 'version' in 'field list'
Query: INSERT INTO mybb_templates(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_main', '\r\n\r\n\r\n$headerinclude\r\n\r\n\r\n$header\r\n$cash_mod_main\r\n$footer\r\n\r\n', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698)

Second time I tried to activate it came up with:
Quote:mySQL error: 1060
Duplicate column name 'canmanagecashmod'
Query: ALTER TABLE mybb_adminoptions ADD canmanagecashmod VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes' NOT NULL

however, all the cashmod settings are there, however when I goto change the ones in the 'manage forums // edit' and 'manage usergroups' they don't show up.


I reinstalled myBB from scratch and tried it again, and once again, the same problem.

I honestly cannot figure this out. Im comparing the script to its output. :/

INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_main', '\r\n\r\n\r\n$headerinclude\r\n\r\n\r\n$header\r\n$cash_mod_main\r\n$footer\r\n\r\n', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698)

INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES (\'cm_main\', \'<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>$settings[bbname]</title>\r\n$headerinclude\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n$header\r\n$cash_mod_main\r\n$footer\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\', -2, \'100.07\', \'\', 1139669698)
decswxaqz Wrote:Version 1.1 of cash mod released.

Fixes two problems with 1.0. The template list and the signature bug. Not sure why the donate file isn't created but it will try to create the file on update if it doesn't exist.

Updating to version 1.1
Use the "Auto Install" button next to Cash Mod on the plugins page.
Click "Yes, use EI".
You should see a confirmation page telling you that Cash Mod has been updated.
I tried to update it, but all I get is a screne with install plugin, nothign about click yes.
I deactivated both the advanced plugin and easy install, activated the easy install and advanced plugin, but I got the same page, this is the same for every plugin which allows the feature, what have I done wrong, and how do I do it manually (all I need to do is fix the signiture thing)
I hate it when this happens.

Quote:mySQL error: 1054
Unknown column 'version' in 'field list'
Query: INSERT INTO mybb_templates(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_main', '\r\n\r\n\r\n$headerinclude\r\n\r\n\r\n$header\r\n$cash_mod_main\r\n$footer\r\n\r\n', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698)
Erm... you have the right version of MyBB right? 1.0x?... Version is a standard column the template tables. Check phpmyadmin for me to see if it's in the template table.
To get rid of the 'new' errors on activation you should open the cash_mod.php plugin and comment out line 950 (in version 1.1)
If you manage to activate it then you should uncomment the line I just showed you so it can be used if you activate the cash mod again.
Then execute the following SQL commands (make sure that you have the version column in your templates table)
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_main', '<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>$settings[bbname]</title>\r\n$headerinclude\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n$header\r\n$cash_mod_main\r\n$footer\r\n</body>\r\n</html>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_donate', '<table border="0" cellspacing="$theme[borderwidth]" cellpadding="$theme[tablespace]" class="tborder">\r\n<tr>\r\n<td class="thead">\r\n<div><strong>$lang->cm_donate</strong></div>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr class="trow1">\r\n<td>\r\n$cash_mod_donate_user\r\n$cash_mod_donate_found\r\n$cash_mod_donate_cash_user\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_error', '<div align="center"><h4>$message</h4></div>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_donate_user', '<form action="$cm_file_name" method="post">\r\n<input type="hidden" name="action" value="donate_find_user" />\r\n$lang->cm_find_user\r\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="username" value="$username"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="$lang->cm_find_user" />\r\n</form>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_donate_found', '<br/>$lang->cm_exact_match: $user_exact\r\n<br/>$lang->cm_partial_match: $user_partial', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_donate_user_link', '<a href="$cm_file_name?action=donate&amp;username=$username_url">$username</a>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_donate_cash_user', '<br/><br/>\r\n<form action="$cm_file_name" method="post">\r\n<input type="hidden" name="action" value="donate_confirm" />\r\n<input type="hidden" name="uid" value="$uid" />\r\n<input type="hidden" name="username" value="$username" />\r\n{$lang->cm_donating_to}<br/>\r\n{$lang->cm_user_amount}<br/>\r\n{$lang->cm_enter_donate_amount}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input\r\n type="text" name="amount" size="4" />\r\n<br/><br/>\r\n<input type="submit" value="{$lang->cm_donate}" />\r\n</form>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_donate_confirm', '<div align="center">\r\n{$lang->cm_donate_confirm_1}\r\n{$lang->cm_donate_confirm_2}\r\n<br/><br/>\r\n<form action="$cm_file_name" method="post">\r\n<input type="hidden" name="action" value="donate_confirmed" />\r\n<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="$amount" />\r\n<input type="hidden" name="trans_id" value="$trans_id" />\r\n<input type="hidden" name="uid" value="$uid" />\r\n<input type="submit" name="donate_button" value="{$lang->yes}" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="donate_button" value="{$lang->no}" />\r\n</div>\r\n<br/>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_statement', '<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<title>$lang->user_cp</title>\r\n$headerinclude\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n$header\r\n<table width="100%" border="0" align="center">\r\n<tr>\r\n$usercpnav\r\n<td valign="top">\r\n<table border="0" cellspacing="$theme[borderwidth]" cellpadding="$theme[tablespace]" class="tborder">\r\n<td class="thead" colspan="$colspan"><strong>$lang->cm_statement</strong></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr class="trow1">\r\n<td>\r\n$donations\r\n$interest\r\n$referrers\r\n<br/>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>\r\n$footer\r\n</body>\r\n</html>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_statement_donation', '<br/>$page_bar\r\n<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" class="tborder">\r\n<tr>\r\n<td colspan="3" class="thead">$lang->cm_donations</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr  class="tcat">\r\n<td>$lang->cm_date</td>\r\n<td>$lang->cm_username</td>\r\n<td>$lang->cm_amount</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n$rows\r\n</table>\r\n$page_bar<br/>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_statement_donation_row', '<tr class="$altbd">\r\n<td>$date</td>\r\n<td><a href="member.php?action=profile&uid=$uid">$username</a></td>\r\n<td>$amount</td>\r\n</tr>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_statement_interest', '<br/>$page_bar\r\n<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" class="tborder">\r\n<tr>\r\n<td colspan="4" class="thead">$lang->cm_interest</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr  class="tcat">\r\n<td>$lang->cm_date</td>\r\n<td>$lang->cm_interest_rate</td>\r\n<td>$lang->cm_interest_added</td>\r\n<td>$lang->cm_after_interest</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n$rows\r\n</table>\r\n$page_bar<br/>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_statement_interest_row', '<tr class="$altbd">\r\n<td>$date</td>\r\n<td>{$amount_percent}%</td>\r\n<td>$amount_added</td>\r\n<td>$amount_final</td>\r\n</tr>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_statement_ref', '$lang->cm_referrers: $ref_links ($amount)', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_statement_ref_link', '<a href="member.php?action=profile&amp;uid=$uid">$username</a>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_statement_page_link', '<a href="$cm_file_name?action=$action&amp;page=$page&amp;action2=$action2">$page</a>', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);
INSERT INTO `mybb_templates`(title, template, sid, version, status, dateline) VALUES ('cm_statement_page_bar', '$lang->cm_page : $page_bar', -2, '100.07', '', 1139669698);

Boring dude, to fix the signature problem open usercp.php
eval("$editsig = \"".$templates->get("usercp_editsig")."\";");
replace with
eval("\$editsig = \"".$templates->get("usercp_editsig")."\";");
But I _strongly_ suggest you try to update it using advanced plugins. The upgrade also solves a few little bugs (people can use [cash] even if you disallow it). You should be apply to apply the patch manually and it should be ok if you manage to upgrade properly through advanced plugins. My site might have been down when you tried. Try it again.
can i install it without ei ? ei need to change so many folder and file permission
any way?
i realy need this mod installed
i have ei installed but it doesnt work
give this error / warning masasge:

Easy Install can not install because admin/global.php is not writeable. EI has also tried to make this file writeable by changing it's permissions to 0766 & 0777 but has failed. This probably means that other MyBB files can not be overwritten meaning EI is useless.
This is all dependant on your server configuration. Some servers will require '777' access for all files and folders for EI to work. If you feel that this is unacceptable then I am afraid EI is not the plugin for you. If you need to know how to CHMOD your files to 777 please see this article on CHMODding.
any help?
Please don't double post AND post in another topic AND send me a PM. I will reply if you reply in one of the topics relevant to my mods or in a clearly marked new topic =/
eh I might have installed an old version of mybb, although it didn't say so. :/

Anyways, I downloaded mybb1.04, the latest EI, Advanced Plugins and Cash Mod and it all installed very smoothly! Big Grin

Happy Customer, and sorry about the problem.
haha. No problem, easy mistake to do Wink
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