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I'd find that supremely annoying personally.
I personally think confirming those is a good idea, you have no idea how many times I stupid it up when typing and especially with a password where I can't double check to make sure I hit the right key.

Confirming email -> ensure Emails get sent to an active account under user's control
Confirming password -> ensure account is accessible ASAP rather than trying each possible fat-fingered key until we get locked out or having to reset the password first thing (where once again we risk stupiding up the password)
I guess that's why nobody uses Tumblr.

[Image: m2BmoQN.png]

Or Twitter.

[Image: SHnV8xs.png]

If a user's password doesn't work, they can use Forget Password. Of course, if their password and email are wrong, they're SOL and would have to contact us – but how often does that happen?

This could all be helped with improvements in how MyBB handles email verification.
Can you add a </> button when looking at an user's images so it would be easier to browse.
I would need to have a developer do that for me.

I need developers for lots of things.
(2013-05-29, 06:31 PM)brad-t Wrote: [ -> ]Why do you think those fields need to be confirmed?

Email isn't necessary but since you can't see the password when you're typing it I believe it should prompt for re-entry to avoid any mishaps.
I would rather unmask the password field than force a repeat password. But there seem to be many high profile sites doing just fine without a password confirmation.

(2013-05-30, 12:41 AM)Geret Wrote: [ -> ]Can you add a </> button when looking at an user's images so it would be easier to browse.

That said, you can easily open "See All Looks" if you want to see all of a user's looks. Unless you want to cycle through all looks, not just a specific user.
Better to send password to email than to ask user to create a password. So new user need to fill only two fields: login and email. It's one step less than Brad-t's example. IMO.
(2013-05-31, 09:56 PM)Maj Wrote: [ -> ]Better to send password to email than to ask user to create a password. So new user need to fill only two fields: login and email. It's one step less than Brad-t's example. IMO.

A lot of people dislike having randomly generated passwords. It still adds an extra step: change your password.
Yup. Random passwords are supremely annoying.
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