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Full Version: MyProfile - Profile Comments & more (version 1.2)
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Does anyone know what code I can change in myprofilevisitors.class.php to force only one entry per line? I have it in a narrow table, so it looks like:

It would be much better with one entry per line like

Thanks for the help. I think in the future this would be helpful in the configurations.

Also, can I change it to display comments first, and then comment submission box?
It works with MyAlerts?
getting error
1366 - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'candeleteowncomments' at row 1
UPDATE mybb_usergroups SET `type`=1, `title`='ناظر', `description`='ناظر', `namestyle`='<span style=\"color: #674172; background: url( right 7px;\"><strong>{username}</strong></span>', `usertitle`='Super Moderator', `stars`=0, `starimage`='', `image`='', `isbannedgroup`=0, `canview`=1, `canviewthreads`=1, `canviewprofiles`=1, `candlattachments`=1, `canviewboardclosed`=0, `canpostthreads`=1, `canpostreplys`=1, `canpostattachments`=1, `canratethreads`=1, `modposts`=0, `modthreads`=0, `mod_edit_posts`=0, `modattachments`=0, `caneditposts`=1, `candeleteposts`=1, `candeletethreads`=1, `caneditattachments`=1, `canpostpolls`=1, `canvotepolls`=1, `canundovotes`=1, `canusepms`=1, `cansendpms`=1, `cantrackpms`=1, `candenypmreceipts`=1, `pmquota`=500, `maxpmrecipients`=5, `cansendemail`=1, `cansendemailoverride`=1, `maxemails`=0, `emailfloodtime`=0, `canviewmemberlist`=1, `canviewcalendar`=1, `canaddevents`=1, `canbypasseventmod`=0, `canmoderateevents`=1, `canviewonline`=1, `canviewwolinvis`=1, `canviewonlineips`=1, `cancp`=0, `issupermod`=1, `cansearch`=1, `canusercp`=1, `canuploadavatars`=1, `canchangename`=1, `canbereported`=1, `canchangewebsite`=1, `showforumteam`=1, `usereputationsystem`=1, `cangivereputations`=1, `candeletereputations`=1, `reputationpower`=5, `maxreputationsday`=0, `maxreputationsperuser`=0, `maxreputationsperthread`=0, `attachquota`=0, `cancustomtitle`=1, `canwarnusers`=1, `canreceivewarnings`=1, `maxwarningsday`=3, `canmodcp`=1, `showinbirthdaylist`=1, `canoverridepm`=1, `canusesig`=1, `canusesigxposts`=0, `signofollow`=0, `edittimelimit`=0, `maxposts`=0, `showmemberlist`=1, `canmanageannounce`=1, `canmanagemodqueue`=1, `canmanagereportedcontent`=1, `canviewmodlogs`=1, `caneditprofiles`=0, `canbanusers`=1, `canviewwarnlogs`=1, `canuseipsearch`=0, `canviewarcade`=1, `canplayarcade`=1, `maxplaysday`=0, `canrategames`=1, `cansearchgames`=1, `canviewgamestats`=1, `canmoderategames`=1, `canviewtournaments`=1, `canjointournaments`=1, `cancreatetournaments`=1, `maxtournamentsday`=0, `canmanagecomments`=1, `cansendcomments`=1, `caneditowncomments`=1, `candeleteowncomments`='', `commentsperday`=0 WHERE gid='6'
Everything seems to be working fine, EXCEPT the profile comments, which is primarily why I wanted this plugin in the first place LOL. Any idea on why they might not be working?
Any idea on what is not working exactly?
when i active this plugin
i get mybb error page in usergroups setting !
how can i fix this
When I upload the myprofile.php file to /inc/plugins, the plugin management page goes blank.
(2015-08-14, 11:50 AM)FireSwords Wrote: [ -> ]When I upload the myprofile.php file to /inc/plugins, the plugin management page goes blank.

It may be that your PHP version doesn't mean the requirement.
What does your error log say?
nice plugins .
I share a file many time before and it's a working one, but since last release i maake some code changes and right now i haave it on my forum, but did someone test it !!

All have to work fine, but i made many changes since that post and at a day works fine on my forum with all code customzations and all goes fine, MyAlerts improve works fine too.

If someone wanna test and make some comments maybe i can share the code on github of latest release, but i know there are many changes on code by some other programmers so what do you think about make a working one version and set to stable to share with all users ?
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