Maybe I've missed it, but I've been looking for a bit for a solution to my problem.
So the problem is... I don't have comment boxes showing up. I've disabled/enabled the plugin, checked a few different things, made sure all my options are set properly and... nothing. No box. Not even a spot for the box. - if someone has a minute or two to take a peek at it.
I'm going to play around with it some more when I get home but I've been kicking around on and off most of the day and I'm just not seeing anything.
I can see the code there when I view the page source. It looks like this...
<!-- start: myprofile_comments_form_script -->
lang.mp_comments_comment_wrong_length = "Please verify that your comment's length is between {1} and {2} characters.";
lang.mp_comments_confirm_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete that comment?";
lang.mp_comments_confirm_delete_all = "Are you sure you want to delete all the comments?";
lang.mp_comments_comment_approved_successfully = "The comment has been approved successfully.";
lang.mp_comments_comment_added_successfully = "The comment has been added successfully.";
lang.mp_comments_comment_deleted_successfully = "The comment has been deleted successfully.";
lang.mp_comments_comments_deleted_successfully = "All the comments have been deleted successfully.";
lang.mp_comments_comment_edited_successfully = "The comment has been edited successfully.";
MyProfile.memberUid = 3;
MyProfile.ajax = 1;
MyProfile.commentsMinLength = 2;
MyProfile.commentsMaxLength = 5000;
MyProfile.commentsSCEditor = 0;
MyProfile.commentsPage = 1;
<!-- end: myprofile_comments_form_script -->
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the dual post but I decided I'd try and upload everything again and see what happens. So I'm trying to deactivate the plugin first and I get a 500 Error on that and the address below is appearing in my browser