Comment Converter :
Before you start :
- You're probably here because you're about to upgrade your MyBB forum version to 1.8+, before you start please notice that this version of the converter is still experimental, it has been coded for you by
dragonexpert, and is supported through the
official GitHub of MyProfile.
Only the latest version of the ProfileComments plugin has been tested (0.9.2).
Until this version is confirmed to be working smoothly on large scales, PLEASE test on a local version of your boards to make sure it works fine, before you try it on your live boards.
Remember :
This converter will
only export comments from the old system (ProfileComments) to the new one (MyProfile). Your users' custom settings will not be exported (such as those who decided to close comments on their profiles, etc).
Tools :
- PHPMyAdmin
How to upgrade ?
Please read this tutorial carefully, it's easy but needs to be done correctly in order to work fine on your boards. Make sure you read it to the last point, to check if you are able to perform every task that is necessary for the upgrading process.
*** Make sure to test this on a local copy of your boards before you test it on your live boards. ***
1- Before you upgrade to MyBB 1.8, back up the "
mybb_profilecomments" table using one of the following methods :
- Using PHPMyAdmin : Click on your forum database, a menu with all the table will expand, click on mybb_profilecomments (mybb_ is your table prefix), from the top menu, select Export, and then Go.
- From the Admin CP : Tools & Maintenance > Database Backups > New Backup > from the selectable menu, only select mybb_profilecomments > Click "Perform Backup".
Save the generated file somewhere safe.
2- Deactivate
and uninstall ProfileComments, also remove the plugin file from your board. Then upgrade your MyBB board to 1.8 as described in the
official guide.
3- Download and install a fresh version of
MyProfile (latest version).
Make sure MyProfile is installed (activated or deactivated doesn't matter).
4- Using
PHPMyAdmin, go to your database, from the top menu select "
Import", and then import the table we generated in step 1, this will add again the
mybb_profilecomments table, we need that table because it contains all the comments that we're about to import.
5- Upload the
commentconverter.php script to the root of your forum. The script can be found attached to this post, or on GitHub (both version are the same). Upload it to the
root folder of your forum, right next to announcement.php, forumdisplay.php, newreply.php, index.php etc.
*** For the next step, it's preferrable to have all your browser's tabs closed, to make sure your browser won't hang when you visit the covert page.***
6- Log into your boards with an admin account (the script can only be run by an admin for security reasons). With your browser, go to, the script will automatically start executing, and will show you :
Quote:Inserted X comments. There are Y comments remaining.
Quote:Comments converted successfully. Back To Forum
The script should only be run
ONCE, running it twice will insert the same comments twice.
8- Using PHPMyAdmin, delete the table
mybb_profilecomments. Delete commentconverter.php from your board (very important), activate MyProfile if it's not already activated, and make sure the comments show up correctly.
Should you have any questions, feel free to post them in this thread. And please remember to run this on a local copy of your boards, and not immediately on your live boards.