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it was broken in 2 ways:

1. It doesn't show all slashes, like \r\n is usually parsed as rn
2. sometimes it parsed "<font-color="#000000" before the actual PHP code. Just that: "<font-color="#000000", without the quotes.

I've asked about it here, and it was confirmed as well and scheduled for update in the next big release.
Jasper Wrote:it was broken in 2 ways:

1. It doesn't show all slashes, like \r\n is usually parsed as rn
2. sometimes it parsed "<font-color="#000000" before the actual PHP code. Just that: "<font-color="#000000", without the slashes.

I've asked about it here, and it was confirmed as well and scheduled for update in the next big release.

oh ya. those were fixed
let's test
MrDoom Wrote:First thing i noticed was the multi-quote buttons, then i saw the big yellow banner.

Ahh so it does work QUOTED YA lol Toungue

where the hells the close tags button gone!?

Beep Big Grin

This is on quite a few boards now isnt it! Toungue
I love this bit for a forum, but just how safe is it, and also if you dont have javascript enabled.. does it do the page redirect to the edit page?
Yes, if you have javascript disabled, it will just load the full edit page when you click Edit.

EDIT: Now, what's funny with the quick edit is that there's an image on the little "loading" screen, but since I'm on dial-up, the image doesn't have time to load. Toungue
godsdead Wrote:where the hells the close tags button gone!?
Its gone, when you click on one of the buttons, it highlights and when you click it again the tags close
MrDoom Wrote:
godsdead Wrote:where the hells the close tags button gone!?
Its gone, when you click on one of the buttons, it highlights and when you click it again the tags close

wow.... That seems cool. Now all we need is the ability to have it so that it is a rich text editing environment (more like a word processor). Hopefully that kind of a feature can be put into the next mybb release.
I don't understand why there is a "Quote" button AND a "+" button. They do the same thing, except the "Quote" button is faster. Or is there another use that I'm somehow missing??
The reply button is used to reply to one post.
The '+' button can be used to quote multiple posts, even those in different threads.
MiNT Wrote:The reply button is used to reply to one post.
The '+' button can be used to quote multiple posts, even those in different threads.

cool, I always thought that was a bug in forums that when you select a quote button it seems to carry it over to all the topics you try and post until you either post with them or uncheck them.

I really like that feature, especially now that i fully understand its intension
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