MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Community Forums now running MyBB 1.2
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Quote:wow.... That seems cool. Now all we need is the ability to have it so that it is a rich text editing environment (more like a word processor). Hopefully that kind of a feature can be put into the next mybb release.
I tried to make the code buttons editor more word processor like with this release and the close tags button is now essentially useless (well, I can see a point to it in some cases).

You'll also notice that if you leave tags open and hit the submit button, MyBB closes off any open tags you still have for you Smile


In regards to a WYSIWYG environment, a lot of work needs to be done for it but it is on the list of things for the future.
Chris Boulton Wrote:In regards to a WYSIWYG environment, a lot of work needs to be done for it but it is on the list of things for the future.
I hope the option to turn it off will also be on that list.Smile
I know everybody asks when MyBB 1.2 will come out... I'll put my question in a little bit different words... is there a chance that MyBB 1.2 will be released in about, let's say next 30 days?

I have a forum based game and I want to exit the beta stage, but I have been waiting for MyBB 1.2 to come out... so I would really appreciate any good answer on that subject... if I don't, I'll probably have to use MyBB 1.1.x series.
Quote:I know everybody asks when MyBB 1.2 will come out... I'll put my question in a little bit different words... is there a chance that MyBB 1.2 will be released in about, let's say next 30 days?

I have a forum based game and I want to exit the beta stage, but I have been waiting for MyBB 1.2 to come out... so I would really appreciate any good answer on that subject... if I don't, I'll probably have to use MyBB 1.1.x series.

My guess would be more then likely. Wink
this is awesome and I cant wait for the release.
YAY!! There is Reputation for once!!

UPDATE:: And Rep Works!

AJAX Technologies is AWESOME!!
Kristjan Wrote:I know everybody asks when MyBB 1.2 will come out... I'll put my question in a little bit different words... is there a chance that MyBB 1.2 will be released in about, let's say next 30 days?

I have a forum based game and I want to exit the beta stage, but I have been waiting for MyBB 1.2 to come out... so I would really appreciate any good answer on that subject... if I don't, I'll probably have to use MyBB 1.1.x series.

I'd say 99% yes Smile
Is MyBB 1.2 Available For Download Yet? Or When?
No, else you'd obviously see an announcement in the 'announcements forum' Rolleyes
I Guess so..
UPDATE :: Quick Edit is Slow to load this time..

I LOVE AJAX.. When it works fast..
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