MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Community Forums now running MyBB 1.2
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CraKteR Wrote:That's an long way ahead. This is only version 1.2, The skinning in 1.2 however is the same as in 1.1.x series.
However the skinning should be pretty easy as it's all stored in the database and you can edit the templates and css files live on the page in the admin cp.

I'm just more familiar with ipb,I'm trying to edit with my own custom made theme and some things seem different
Wow, it's been long since I visited this site Wink
Nice to see MyBB 1.2 is already here Big Grin

It's looking quite nice, might just switch my forum system back to MyBB when this one comes out Big Grin
paolo90 Wrote:Wow, it's been long since I visited this site Wink
Nice to see MyBB 1.2 is already here Big Grin

It's looking quite nice, might just switch my forum system back to MyBB when this one comes out Big Grin

Welcome back, paolo90! Smile
Bug reports are slowly coming to a halt on MyBB 1.2 now. If no big issues are found anymore - yesterday we had a security issue - we *should* be able to... <censored>
Did you mean "release MyBB 1.2", Peter?
Peter Wrote:Bug reports are slowly coming to a halt on MyBB 1.2 now. If no big issues are found anymore - yesterday we had a security issue - we *should* be able to... <censored>
Can't... say... things are censored by the boss!
Ah! So "they" got to you... ;D
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