MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Community Forums now running MyBB 1.2
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When I do a search, on the redirect page I can see:

AND MATCH(subject) AGAINST('+my search keywords' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
AND MATCH(message) AGAINST('+my search keywords' IN BOOLEAN MODE) 
This appears to be fixed on the beta board.
A new design or retouching is important
KURTAY Wrote:A new design or retouching is important

Not for this release. Wink
The earliest a new design could be expected is 2.0. This is the 1.x design and it'll stay for all 1.x releases (unless there is a new decision made at a later time, but I don't think it'll happen... but that's my opinion Wink)
cardude Wrote:
Belloman Wrote:
cardude Wrote:
Netrosis Wrote:woot, edit in place!
gotta love AJAX, and gotta love myBB!

How do you get the AJAX on edit?
Do you mean use Quick Edit? Click on the "Edit" button and then select "Quick Edit"

Paretje Wrote:When is MyBB 1.2 there?
Excuse me? Do you mean when will it be released to the public? When it's ready, of course! Smile

Yes, I meant quick edit. I got see how to use it now, thanks!

When? In a week, 2 weeks, ... There aren't much bugs, no?
i would presume sometime in september... lets see when exactly Smile
Sometime in the very near future, we are still squashing bugs in 1.2.
Ryan Ashbrook Wrote:Sometime in the very near future, we are still squashing bugs in 1.2.

Is there anywhere we can go to see how many bugs are in 1.2? To give us a sense of the progress towards completion.
i love you mybb =)
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