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There is a bug with the rows by the Help.
Paretje Wrote:There is a bug with the rows by the Help.

eh? Whats wrong with them?
brianmn Wrote:
Ryan Ashbrook Wrote:Sometime in the very near future, we are still squashing bugs in 1.2.

Is there anywhere we can go to see how many bugs are in 1.2? To give us a sense of the progress towards completion.
Not every bug is publicly viewable, still on the beta forum there is a few bugs still not fixed.
There is however loads of fixed bugs though.
There is 1 confirmed unfixed bug and 1 unconfirmed unfixed bug, out of 429 fixed bugs
An updated skin would be nice with the next version, IMO.
I think this skin suits MyBB, there are more important problems then the skin anyways and anytime. And since the theme manager in MyBB is so good I say anyone could make an new theme for themselfs (if they really wanted to).
Tikitiki Wrote:
Paretje Wrote:There is a bug with the rows by the Help.

eh? Whats wrong with them?

Well, you see at the follow image.

Black: row2
White: row1
Yea, the first two are trow1.
Wow, looking very nice, my friend got a beta invite and he let me try it on his server, just cant wait till its out, the Final.
I saw still a small bug: The place is to great of the first colom at the search page.
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