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Full Version: AdminCP Permission Problems? PLEASE READ
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I think you've got something else setup wrong. PM me FTP login details and I'll have a look.
LOL, I understand now. okay I just moved the mybb files to my public_html folder and now the forum looks all jacked up! lol. check it out:

sending you a pm now... I'm such an ametuer... Smile
Should have said to change some settings first, that's my bad, I'll sort it out.
Appears the admin folder wasn't uploaded, should be good to go now.

First thing I need you to do when you login to the ACP is go to the Configuration tab, choose General Configuration from the list, set your Board URL to:

and your Cookie Path to:


Save, and everything should be in order.
DUDE, you are AWESOME! Thanks alot!!! I really appreciate all the help.

Too bad my host don't respond, hence the thread Ccalby..
There's nothing else we can do about it, it's not our fault if your host is slow at responding. If the .htaccess code explained on the Wiki page doesn't do anything, there's nothing more we can do.
Well I have did the .htaccess edits aswell as getting my host to whitelist my domain for mod_security and I still get the error.

Don't have a clue what to do now! It works for the first couple of pages but anything that has settings on it or adding new users is when I get the error.
The only things known to cause this are mod_security, bad CHMODs or a .htaccess file... do you have any .htaccess files in any of the admin folders/subfolders, and what are they all CHMOD to??
It's more a problem with the ht-access.If you can access your ACP which goes directly to admin and each time if you moved to this directory, then go to Settings Server and tuning options and engine control Enable URL search? with disabilities.
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