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Full Version: [Release 1.4/1.6] Fit on Page (Update: v2.3 Released)
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Works fine for me, thanks very much.
Hello, I need some help! I have this plugin installed and it works fine on all my regular pages but it does not resize images on my ProPortal or XThread forums. Is there anyway to apply the edits to those pages? Here is a link to one of my XThread Article Gallery posts with lots of huge images that are breaking the margins...

I tried the edits mentioned here on page 16 but I couldn't get them to work. I hope we can figure this out, I really need those images to be resized automatically! Angel

ETA: I added a CSS bit to resize for now, but I would like to restore full functionality to this page!
Great plugin.
I'm looking to disable the option to open the image to the original size after it has been resized as where when you hover the image your able to click on it.
Which line(s) in which templates need removed?

(2010-12-14, 07:51 PM)Dale Wrote: [ -> ]Great plugin.
I'm looking to disable the option to open the image to the original size after it has been resized as where when you hover the image your able to click on it.
Which line(s) in which templates need removed?


I'd also like to do the same. I find that clicking on the pic for it to open in a new window is quite sufficient.

I've got my issue with the XThreads forum worked out but I need to apply Fit On Page to my ProPortal...I hope someone out there can help me out! Cool
(2010-12-14, 09:22 PM)RocketFoot Wrote: [ -> ]I've got my issue with the XThreads forum worked out but I need to apply Fit On Page to my ProPortal...I hope someone out there can help me out! Cool

Glad you got it working for XThreads.
I don't have proportal installed so I can only give you pointers at this time, if it doesn't work, let me know so I can investigate it further.

For the pro portal try this:

In the proportal template, before </head> insert this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jscripts/fitonpage.js?ver=230"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	var fitonpage_on = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_enabled']}";
	var fitonpage_resize = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_resize']}";
	var fitonpage_fluid = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_fluid']}";
	var fitonpage_topbar_resized = "{$lang->fitonpage_topbar_resized}";
	var fitonpage_topbar_full = "{$lang->fitonpage_topbar_full}";
	var fitonpage_topbar_text_class = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_topbar_text_class']}";
	var fitonpage_topbar_bground = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_topbar_bground']}";
	var fitonpage_topbar_icon = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_topbar_icon']}";
	var fitonpage_location = "portal";

(2010-12-14, 07:51 PM)Dale Wrote: [ -> ]Great plugin.
I'm looking to disable the option to open the image to the original size after it has been resized as where when you hover the image your able to click on it.
Which line(s) in which templates need removed?


(2010-12-14, 08:10 PM)Gene53 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010-12-14, 07:51 PM)Dale Wrote: [ -> ]Great plugin.
I'm looking to disable the option to open the image to the original size after it has been resized as where when you hover the image your able to click on it.
Which line(s) in which templates need removed?


I'd also like to do the same. I find that clicking on the pic for it to open in a new window is quite sufficient.


Around Line 119 in the fitonpage.js file
Comment out or remove the line begining with:
$('fop_topbar'+count).observe('click', function(event){

That line extends down all the way to line 155 so either remove the whole block, comment out each line with // or comment out the entire block by putting /* at the begining of line 119 and */ and the end of line 155

EDIT: You'll then have to edit the language so as to remove the part about clicking the bar to show full size Wink
Unfortunately, That didn't work for the ProPortal. I've tried several combination's and different templates but nothing works! I'm stumped!
Is this where your porportal is?

If it is then I can't find the fitonpage code in the source, are you sure you put it in the right template?
(2010-12-14, 11:34 PM)- G33K - Wrote: [ -> ]Is this where your porportal is?

If it is then I can't find the fitonpage code in the source, are you sure you put it in the right template?
That is the correct page...Apparently, proportal creates new global templates because the script is still in the regular portal template. I tried putting the script in some of the other temps but no luck. I can set up an admin account if you'd like to pop in an take a look tomorrow?
Thats what I'm trying to tell you, the code I asked you to put in the proportal head isn't showing up so it seems you haven't put it in the right template. If proportal creates a golbal template then thats where the edit needs to go. If its still not clear or doesn't work then PM me admin account details and I'll take a look.
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