Ok finally I've gotten round to releasing the second version of this plugin.
Couple of things:
- You no longer have to use the no_fop class to prevent banners from being resized. The plugin now works on the post area only. If you have added a no_fop class, you can go ahead and remove it as its no longer needed.
- I have experimented with google adsense banners both in the header area and the post area with wide image image ads and I have not had any problems with the plugin incorrectly resizing when it shouldn't. If you encounter any such problem, I'd like to hear about them as there are loads of different ad providers and I obviously could not test each and every one out there.
- The plugin now adds a imgnoresize MyCode to your MyCode list, this can be used in a case where images need to be posted and not resized, the plugin will skip images posted using the imgnoresize mycode instead of the standard img code. If you do not require this functionality, you will need to disable the "Image No Resize" MyCode from the MyCode list.
- Lastly, images posted through Quick Reply and Quick Edit (AJAX) will still require a page refresh before the plugin will resize them. This however is not the case if the images are already cached in your browser, meaning you have already opened/accessed the images in the browser. If thats the case then it works without a refresh of the page. I tried a couple of work arounds to get it to work regardless of the image being cached but the results either forced a page refresh hence defeating the whole purpose of quick reply/quick edit or in other cases it increased the ajax load times while the script pre-cached the image which imo also defeated the whole reason for "quick" reply. I have hence left it as it is since I don't think its that big a deal, I will look at it again when I have more time to work on it.
/* Fit on Page v2.0 by -G33K - */
/* MyBB v1.4.* Plugin */
Change Log:
Version 2.0
- Fixed issue where images outside the posts area were also being resized. Temporary fix was to add a no_fop class which is no longer required
- Made the top info bar elements customizable from pugin's settings page
- Top info bar has a dynamic message which changes depending on if image is resized or viewed in full resolution
- Extended functionality of the plugin to newreply and private message pages
Version 1.0
- Initial Release
Scales down or resizes large embeded images so as to avoid the page running over.
- Customizable from settings page.
- Pretty much every element of the plugin can be customized from the settings.
- Automatically adjusts according to screen size for fluid layouts.
- Fixed width option for fixed layouts
- Scaling is done on client side through javascript hence no extra load on the site's servers
- Works in the showthread, newreply and private message pages
- Resizes only those images in posts and not the headers and other images
- Automatically adds a imgnoresize mycode which can be used to post images that you do not want to be resized
- Unzip/Unrar, upload inc/plugins/fitonpage.php, jscripts/fitonpage.js and inc/languages/english/fitonpage.lang.php to the respective directories on the server
- Activate the plugin from the Admin Panel, Plugins section
- Setup options from settings page.
- Deactivate old plugin
- Upload the newer version files, overwriting the older ones (If you're not allowed to overwrite, delete the old files first
- Activate the plugin making sure it shows the new version number
- Setup your options from the settings page
- Deactivate from the plugins page
Plugin validated!
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