(2011-05-19, 03:30 PM)Xplorer4x4 Wrote: [ -> ]Didnt work for me on 1.6.3.
Did you changed the compatibility ?
I will be porting it for MyBB 1.6.
Need to find time and to apply some coding improvements.
This plugin was written when i was unexperienced and there are a lot of areas which can be definitely improved!
I ported the plugin for MyBB 1.6
The merging of posts wasn't working properly due to some changes apported in MyBB 1.6.
I added a new hook for developers, i will be writing a plugin to add the number of tags per thread on forum page so developers can use it as reference
Tagging Count Plugin!
This plugin counts the number of tags present per "thread".
It can be used a reference point to understand how to use the hooks present in Tagging Plugin!
It adds
3 new settings under
Forum Display Options.
First of all install and activate the plugin, then go to the
Templates and put {$thread['tags_count']} where you want to display the number of tags.
Then go to
Forum Display Options Setting Group and customize the following options:
Customize the output of the tags and
Customize the output of the tags where there aren't.
Then ejoy Forum Display with the number of tags displayed per thread.
Not really working for me...
I put
and nothing happens.
Ignore that ... Didn't know you can't tag yourself.
Install this plugin on
www.compu-web.nl but i can not tag somebody, also there is no option in user cp.
What can i do to make this work?
It was working fine, but then it stopped?
I don't think it works on your posts which are edited.
Also, we should be able to tag multiple people @[Tommy,Sam,Anna]
(2011-07-25, 12:42 PM)lifeguard Wrote: [ -> ]Install this plugin on www.compu-web.nl but i can not tag somebody, also there is no option in user cp.
What can i do to make this work?
It's in the user cp, in the section 'miscellaneous'.
Oh, it's caps sensitive.
Grr. Sorry for the spam, but it's irritating me.
It works, then it doesn't...?
"It works, then it doesn't" is a description of the problem that definitely doesn't help me in helping you as you don't describe the problem.
Ok now i understand, when you edit the post tags don't work, i'll have to investigate.