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Full Version: Rin Editor 1.2.4 (Powerd by CKEditor)
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Before 1.1.8, i notice that when we align table to left or right, signature part misalign with post.
I have 4 link in signature, 1st link came under the left or right table. Due to that issie, i installed 1.1.5 version.
Not checked on 1.1.8 As there is deletion of signature code in 1.1.8, it may not be there.
(2021-01-10, 05:05 AM)Dr_The_One Wrote: [ -> ]Before 1.1.8, i notice that when we align table to left or right, signature part misalign with post.
I have 4 link in signature, 1st link came under the left or right table. Due to that issie, i installed 1.1.5 version.
Not checked on 1.1.8 As there is deletion of signature code in 1.1.8, it may not be there.

Sorry, but this is a kind of "known" problem, it's no wonder that I was reluctant to add this feature even if it is unofficially.
This will happen regardless of whether my plugin exists or not. It is more related to the mycode table with alignment.
It interferes directly with tables used in the mybb in general.

you can change in bbcode mode tag like below




perhaps this avoids the issue in signature...

Or you can remove align support in table tag...

edit table mycode...

<table style="width: $2px;" align="$4" border="1">$5</table>

<table style="width: $2px;" border="1">$5</table>

or use table less theme for mybb (I don't know if it exists.)
or wait mybb 1.9 (
1.1.9 Released

Change log:

How update:
1.0.5 or above:

1 - Replace the files with new version
Ps. No changes made in config.js since 1.0.5 ( You can keep your customized version of this file as long as the base version is greater than 1.0.5

2 - Open and edit:
Home » Template Sets » Global Templates » Edit Template: rinbutquick

<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/rin/editor/rineditor.js?ver=x.x.x"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/rin/editor/ckeditor.js?ver=x.x.x"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/rin/editor/adapters/jquery.js?ver=x.x.x"></script>

Replace x.x.x with new version number.

1.0.5 or below:

- Unistall old version.
- Upload new version.
- Install new version.
1.1.10 Released

Change log:

Thanks @Laird for PR!

How update:
1.0.5 or above:

1 - Replace the files with new version
Ps. No changes made in config.js since 1.0.5 ( You can keep your customized version of this file as long as the base version is greater than 1.0.5

2 - Open and edit:
Home » Template Sets » Global Templates » Edit Template: rinbutquick

<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/rin/editor/rineditor.js?ver=x.x.x"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/rin/editor/ckeditor.js?ver=x.x.x"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/jscripts/rin/editor/adapters/jquery.js?ver=x.x.x"></script>

Replace x.x.x with new version number.

1.0.5 or below:

- Unistall old version.
- Upload new version.
- Install new version.
Thank you @Laird for fix!
Hi martec!
Is there any way to modify rin editor to be able to upload images or and attachments not to third party such is imgur, but to forum hosting server and to handle them more or less way as a usual attachment.

I believe such a behaviour is the second option on default ckeditor4 and the first option on ckeditor5.
Having "insert photo using URL" is somewhat outdated at least by 10-15 years. BTW no idea how to use it using mobile
Speaking about imgur. Yes it could be nice feature on a very limited hosting only. So I would rather have as an extra option only, not nearly default editor behavior.
Many thanks
(2021-01-18, 06:38 PM)Alhimika Wrote: [ -> ]Hi martec!
Is there any way to modify rin editor to be able to upload images or and attachments not to third party such is imgur, but to forum hosting server and to handle them more or less way as a usual attachment.

this isn't easy task...
may have another way, but you will need to make the following changes.
You will need to create a file upload plugin using attachment with API or a file upload server.
Change "config.imageUploadUrl" to your host url api for upload file.
and create plugin like this to manage your server response.
(2020-12-13, 11:24 AM)martec Wrote: [ -> ]1.0.4 Released

Change log:

Added the possibility to define the black textarea for each theme (Check the first post of "How install new skin in Rin Editor v 1.0.4 or above:" section to learn how to set the textarea to black.)

How update:
- Unistall old version.
- Upload new version.
- Install new version.

Tips: How unofficially add table plugin

Requirement: Rin Editor 1.0.4 or above.

Caution: This is unofficial modification. I will not support issues related to the Table.

PS: Table button on toolbar only will work in wysiwyg mode


1 - Download table plugin:
2 - Extract No. 1 to: root/jscripts/rin/editor/plugins
3 - Open and edit  root/jscripts/rin/editor/config.js

config.language = rinlanguage;

Add above:
config.extraPlugins = 'table';

4 - Clear your browser's cache, if you're using cloudflare, you also need to clear your cloudflare cache (

5 - Add "caption, table, td, th and tr" mycode.

mycode sample:



<table style="width: $2px;" align="$4" border="1">$5</table>


<td style="text-align: $2;">$3</td>


<th style="text-align: center;">$1</th>



It's all.
mot working , after do this my editor getting vanished.
(2021-01-19, 08:46 AM)PARADOXP Wrote: [ -> ]mot working , after do this my editor getting vanished.


post here error on console of browser and your config.js
(2021-01-19, 08:53 AM)martec Wrote: [ -> ]
(2021-01-19, 08:46 AM)PARADOXP Wrote: [ -> ]mot working , after do this my editor getting vanished.


post here error on console of browser and your config.js
 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
	// Define changes to default configuration here.
	// For complete reference see:

	if (( || CKEDITOR.env.iOS) && parseInt(rinmobsms)) {
		rinstartupmode = 'source';

	// The toolbar groups arrangement, optimized for a single toolbar row.
	config.toolbarGroups = [
		{ name: 'basicstyles' },
		{ name: 'align' },
		{ name: 'styles' },
		{ name: 'colors', groups: [ 'colors', 'cleanup' ] },
		{ name: 'insert' },
		{ name: 'links' },
		{ name: 'list' },
		{ name: 'blocks', groups: [ 'blocks', 'clipboard' ] },
		{ name: 'extra', groups: [ 'extra', 'extradesc' ] },
		{ name: 'undo' },
		{ name: 'document',	groups: [ 'tools', 'mode' ] }

	config.extraPlugins = 'table';
	config.language = rinlanguage;
	config.removePlugins = rinautosave;

	// The default plugins included in the basic setup define some buttons that
	// are not needed in a basic editor. They are removed here.
	config.removeButtons = 'Cut,Copy,Paste,Anchor,BGColor,indent,'+rinrmvbut+'';

	// Dialog windows are also simplified.
	config.removeDialogTabs = 'link:advanced';

	config.contentsCss = content_url;
	config.title = false;
	config.image_prefillDimensions = parseInt(rin_img_resize) ? true : false;
	config.height = rinheight;
	config.fontSize_sizes = 'xx-small;x-small;small;medium;large;x-large;xx-large';
	config.smiley_images = dropdownsmiliesurl.concat(dropdownsmiliesurlmore);
	config.smiley_descriptions = dropdownsmiliesname.concat(dropdownsmiliesnamemore);
	config.smiley_name = dropdownsmiliesdes.concat(dropdownsmiliesdesmore);
	config.smiley_path = smileydirectory;
	config.smiley_sc = rinsmileysc;
	config.startupMode = rinstartupmode;
	config.imgurClientId = rinimgur;
	config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false; = rinskin;
	config.image_previewText = ' ';

	config.autosave = {
		saveDetectionSelectors : 'input[name*="submit"],input[name*="savedraft"],input[id*="quick_reply_submit"],input[name*="previewpost"]',
		messageType : rinautosavemsg

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