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i think im slowly getting around my problems.
how do i stock items?? it says i have ∞ stock... which i guess means 0.
also, is there some code you can add to the postbit so that the amount of money shows up under a users avatar? surely there is...
Have you intialized the Inventory module in the modules section? If you have you should have an inventory items category at the bottom of the myplaza admin section, that's where you add items...

∞ that usually means infinite stock...

There should be details on postbit with the amount of money a user has by default... That was another problem i remember seeing whilst using PHP 4... It should also be displayed in member profile..
yeah i have the Inventory Items option. thanks.
is there no fix for the postbit problem? no code to add to the postbit? like [{myplazablahblah}]?
I haven't tested this to know if it works but look in your templates files postbit templates -> postbit

Code at the top should be:

<td class="{$altbg}" width="15%" valign="top" style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center;"><a name="pid{$post['pid']}" id="pid{$post['pid']}"></a>

After add:

<span class="smalltext"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/plaza.php">{$lang->money}</a>: <span id="postmoney_{$post['pid']}">{$post[MYPLAZA_MONEY_COLUMN]}</span></span><br />{$post['invitems']}{$post['invitems']}

Unless it's already there... If it's there then i can't suggest much more hehe Smile
no that code wasnt already there.
genius! that worked. thankyou so much. Smile - I'd probably wait until PHP 4.x compatibility issues are ironed out in the next version - chances are, you'll probably experience more problems...

As for complexity, I do try to make it have a simple interface. If you have any suggestions as to how to make the interface more streamlined, feel free to suggest. Or, if you found a particular part of the AdminCP confusing, just say so, and perhaps others can help suggest, or I'll think of something.


Oh, and thanks jcay for your wonderful support! Big Grin

Anyways, kinda getting bored of this project. Somewhat looking for more ideas. I'll probably release v0.5 in a few days to get it off my chest.

I've heard of "RPG systems" in a number of places, and have been intruiged (since I've played a number of RPGs myself Toungue) - would anyone care to explain to me how such a system works? I would think that it could fit nicely into MyPlaza.
how come any link i use for the item image will not work?

ive even tried a direct link from photobucket and the image still wont show up. anywhere.
It can be seen when you buy the product, it's listed in the members Inventory page... At least i think that's what you're talking about?
yeah it doesnt even show up there (it says if you dont upload the bigger image it will replace it with the icon)

the icon doesnt even show up, anywhere
Place the icon in /images/myplaza and don't use any path references.

I might think about allowing remote/absolute URLs...