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Full Version: MentionMe 3.2.12 (for MyAlerts 2.x)
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(2017-09-24, 01:39 PM)hkkp Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you. In the old version of Mentionme it worked the postbit button.

As I said, this is related to MHEditor. I will be able to give it another look in about ten hours.
@hkkp and anyone else using MHEditor with MentionMe:

After having talked it over with doylecc (the author of MHEditor) we understand now that the problem between the two plugins is a semantics issue and easily fixed. doylecc intends to update MHEditor with a small fix that will have the two plugins integrating nicely.

@hkkp to fix the issue, just move MHEditor's script includes BELOW MentionMe's script includes in headerinclude-- if you need help I will be back in about 6 hours...
the autor of mheditor have a update released.... mentionme works now... thank you very much for the help wildcard and doylecc.

how can i get a line break in the editor, when i use a user via postbit button?
You would need to edit the JavaScript

If you are using single mention postbit button, edit jscripts/MentionMe/thread.js

quotedName = '@' +
			quote +
			name +
			quote +
			' ';

Change the SPACE at the end to "\n" (how many times you need)

If you are using the multiple mention postbit button, edit jscripts/MentionMe/thread_mutli.js


if (useCkEditor) {
	if (editor.getData()) {
		data = "\n" + data;
} else {
	if ($textarea.val()) {
		$textarea.val($textarea.val() + "\n");
	$textarea.val($textarea.val() + data);

And add this before it:

data += "\n";

...again, adding as many "\n"s as you wish.

Keep in mind that you if you are are using minified JavaScript (default setting) then you will need to make these edits on x.min.js as well (which could be tricky), OR just disable minifying the JS in ACP -> Config -> MentionMe Settings

Also, keep in mind that you will need to backup your edits once they are working correctly because future upgrades may overwrite your changes-- OR you can just use the patches plugin and it will make things easier...
i use the patches plugin from frostschutz... thank you

quotedName = '@' +
quote +
name +
quote +
' ';


quotedName = '@' +
quote +
name +
quote +
'\n ';

this is okay or? my englisch is not good...
I can't remember, but I THINK you need to use double quotes " in order to use the \n escape sequence...

EDIT: so

if you activated Enable Advanced Matching and then in the fast answer by @ the name searches and selects, then okay. those are not accepted partially, when the name insert manuell.
I'm having a hard time understand you. Can you try to rephrase the question?
the error is gone. will observe it. probably it was at the cache.
Okay, let me know.