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Full Version: Google SEO Legacy 1.4.1
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(2011-03-23, 04:51 AM)nadlerz Wrote: [ -> ]Just like this site >

If you point the subforum from the homepage without visiting the link, it shows the SEO URL link which contains
and also with Forum ID..

How to do this?

Change the "URL uniquifier enforcer" to Yes.
What about the Subforum?
How set the settings so that it will dispaly the SEO URL even if i point it in homepage?
(2011-03-23, 03:34 AM)Valaki Wrote: [ -> ]So i just need to add the same rewrite rule with the modified scheme and change the scheme in the admin cp to the new ones?

Yes. As long as the different schemes do not conflict / collide with each other, Google SEO Redirect will take care of redirecting the URL of any scheme (showthread.php?tid=123, thread-123.html, Thread-subject, or whatever) to the scheme you're currently using. The redirect also works back to the original stock URLs, if you ever decide that you do not want to use Google SEO URL any more.

(2011-03-23, 07:45 AM)nadlerz Wrote: [ -> ]What about the Subforum?
How set the settings so that it will dispaly the SEO URL even if i point it in homepage?

Again, Google SEO does not treat subforums any differently than it treats forums or categories. If the URL works for forum and categories, then it also works for subforums. If you are seeing different URLs for subforums then it's your theme or another plugin doing it. The theme has to use the same variables as the original MyBB default theme does; a plugin has to call get_forum_link($forumid) instead of manually building a "forumdisplay.php?fid={$forumid}" link.
Hi there,

i successfully installed google seo however it takes 41 SQL queries! what could be the problem im only using the url changer.

Yes, it uses queries. Especially if other plugins create links too. That's just how it is. The queries themselves should be really fast though, so it's not that much of a problem unless your database is slow in general.
Hi again,

this is without google seo

Generated in 0.0825081 seconds (91.80% PHP / 8.20% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 34 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0278630 / Memory Usage: 9.25 MB
PHP version: 5.2.16 / Server Load: 1.87 / GZip Compression: Enabled

its too high isnt ?

with google seo queries goes upto 71

below are my plugins

image resizer
cpm fetch
ez gallery

which one takes a lot of resources or sql queries ? i really want to install google seo
Just updated for 1.6.2. Glad to see this still works amazingly.
Maybe this has been addressed, but when going to Page 1 of a thread the URL is malformed:{page}
Yes, you want (r5358)
Ah, it's a MyBB issue, thanks.