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Full Version: Google SEO Legacy 1.4.1
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It's there, just not in the inc folder. Otherwise people running 1.4 would end up overwriting their functions.php with the 1.6 version, or vice versa. And if MyBB updates they'd end up using an outdated functions.php.
Great plugin, 2 newb questions:

1. My forum is just part of my broader site, which has its own sitemap. To tell Google about my forum's sitemap, should I just another "sitemap" line like I have below? And for that matter, should I add a 3rd line for my dynamically generated Wordpress sitemap?


2. The 404 page generated by this plugin includes a broken image with the URL:[whatever]/images/sky/nav_bit.gif

where [whatever] is whatever you typed to throw the error. For example, in the screenshot I entered the URL:

and got the image URL:

How do I change the way this page is rendered so that the correct image is pulled in (i.e. remove /[whatever]/ from the path)?


(2011-04-27, 12:54 AM)ckelly06 Wrote: [ -> ]To tell Google about my forum's sitemap, should I just another "sitemap" line like I have below? And for that matter, should I add a 3rd line for my dynamically generated Wordpress sitemap?

Yes, you can have as many sitemaps as you want.

(2011-04-27, 12:54 AM)ckelly06 Wrote: [ -> ]2. The 404 page generated by this plugin includes a broken image with the URL:[whatever]/images/sky/nav_bit.gif

where [whatever] is whatever you typed to throw the error.

That's because MyBB uses relative URLs everywhere, so as soon as you put anything that has a folder / in it, it will look for the files in the wrong place.

You can either switch those relative references in your theme to absolute links, or you can add a <base> tag in your header to work around the relative link issue.

You should be seeing the same issue without Google SEO, for example when you go to yourboard/showthread.php/something/else?tid=9999999999. So it's something that has to be fixed in your theme or in MyBB, not in Google SEO.
Thanks, Frost. My problem on #2 is I can never figure out which file to edit to make simple changes like that in MyBB, but I found the HTML head section in "headerinclue" and added the base tag like you said -- problem solved!

Hi I have a issue. I know one of my members was view a thread but on who's online it said "Seeing an error page" any ideas?
Are there any missing or broken image / css / javascript files in that thread that could cause a 404 error after the thread is opened?
(2011-04-28, 04:16 AM)frostschutz Wrote: [ -> ]Are there any missing or broken image / css / javascript files in that thread that could cause a 404 error after the thread is opened?
No dont think so, it was just a simple thread want the link?

# Google SEO workaround for search.php highlights:
# Make this rule the first rewrite rule in your .htaccess!
RewriteRule ^([^&]*)&(.*)$$1?$2 [L,QSA,R=301]
uhm what does it exactly do? seems that that thing is bugging up with other plugins that uses "&" in the file name/link (like download plugins)

Hi, how can i resolve this... ?

I added in htaccess that backslash " \ " .

RewriteRule ^Forum\-([^./]+)$ forumdisplay.php?google_seo_forum=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

etc etc.

also, my sitemap is fine ?
(2011-04-29, 10:43 AM)jim7777 Wrote: [ -> ]uhm what does it exactly do? seems that that thing is bugging up with other plugins that uses "&" in the file name/link (like download plugins)

It changes http://yoursite/a&b&c to http://yoursite/a?b&c

Unfortunately MyBB adds parameters to URLs without checking whether there's already a ? in the URL or not, so without this rewrite, some URLs end up broken depending on your MyBB SEF setting.

& should never appear in the URL part before ? so this rewrite should not break other URLs on your board.

@raoul, as long as the rewrites work, you can ignore the warning by Google SEO. It'll just keep showing up as long as the rules don't look exactly the way Google SEO expects them to look.

Sitemap looks fine to me.