wow, you beat me then

My average time is between 11 ~ 13 hours.
...Each day....? Mine is maybe 6 or 7 hours a day

And I though it was just me xD
Question: Do you all enjoy knowing things before normal members do? (Like, 2.0 previews or so..)
Back when I was in school I'd get about 6-7 hours a day, when I was in 'uni' where I used the computer for every class I got in a lot more - like 14 or so. Heh.
Knowing things before everyone else is cool, but it's kinda annoying that we can't show you all the lovely things and you all have to keep guessing and wondering. Keeping secrets is hard work!
There isn't really all that much stuff we actually keep from you guys (unless it's all being kept from me too

I think we are keeping things from you still...

aww, I was going to apply for the Support Team to know everything there is to know and leek it, too bad.
(2012-06-12, 05:16 PM)Omar G. Wrote: [ -> ]And I though it was just me xD
Question: Do you all enjoy knowing things before normal members do? (Like, 2.0 previews or so..)
Of course. Teasing is fun, too.

What excites you the most about 1.8?