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Have you ever go as far to decide how to not do however?
(2012-11-02, 03:39 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]Amazing! I think Nathan would sleep 3 to 4 hours only since he always found surfing around.

Are you implying that I sleep? Robots do not sleep, silly. Shy
(2012-11-03, 06:11 AM)Lo. Wrote: [ -> ]Have you ever go as far to decide how to not do however?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like???
(2012-11-03, 06:15 AM)Ryan Loos Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012-11-03, 06:11 AM)Lo. Wrote: [ -> ]Have you ever go as far to decide how to not do however?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like???

Can you repeat that in english. Thanks so much.
(2012-11-03, 07:03 AM)Ben Cousins Wrote: [ -> ]Can you repeat that in english. Thanks so much.
Has any video game company really taken such measure to make a game so realistic?

Silly meme.
That's better
As much as hate this meme...

if you hated it why would you post it
(2012-11-19, 04:17 AM)Lo. Wrote: [ -> ]As much as hate this meme...


Nope. But the uni I go to has so many hills I've managed to stay in shape pretty well.
(2012-11-19, 04:17 AM)Lo. Wrote: [ -> ]As much as hate this meme...


I can't say I'm much of a fan of memes in general. I'd much rather have a logical discussion than browse through arguably cleverly created media.

I guess I'll have to answer anyhow. Toungue

I do next to no exercise, I eat quite a lot during the day, but I barely put on any additional weight. I've tried the whole "exercise" thing, and it just isn't me. Wink