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Full Version: Ryan G's Mods And Plugins - Updated for 1.4!
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Hi there,

I'll try to sort out any us legal issues in the next release. Currently I'm at my grandparents house for Thanks Giving, and not at a place reachable to my computer. I'll post my problem here

@nightlife I was planning on implimententing the search tommorrow, so it looks like you read my mind Big Grin! You've got a pm waiting

Cheers Smile
Where is the MOD zip file
I'm using this and I have to say it's very well put together. We have a problem troll that pops up every now and then. I'm using the mod to view any PM's I receive complaints about.

Tikitiki Wrote:Note: This plugin is compatible with Advanced Plugins!

All the Private Messages on your board may be managed in this plugin. You can read any you'd like and can soon choose to delete or archive (keep, but users cannot view) the messages as well, along with many other options soon to come.

I hope to include in future releases:

- More Search Options
- Filter
- Orphan (cleans up pms for non-existant users)
- Sent Box pm (removes copies)
- Archive
- Delete
- Moderator Options

Installation Procedure:

1) Download and unzip the plugin
2) Upload plugpma.php to ./inc/plugins/
3) Go to Admin CP > Board Settings > Plugin Manager > Private Messages > Activate

Upgrade Procedure:

1) Download and unzip the plugin
2) Upload plugpma.php to ./inc/plugins/
3) Go to Admin CP > Board Settings > Plugin Manager > Private Messages > Activate


Version 1.0
* Initial Release

Version 1.3
* - Security Upgrades
* - Advanced Statistics - (Status, Include Sig, Smilies On, Reciept, Read Time)
* - User Private Message Search
* - Easy Install/Advanced Plugins Compatibility
* - Plugin Capabilities
* - Simplified Install Process
* - Orderable by PM ID, Subject, Message, User from, and User to
* - Changeable Ascending/Descending(oldest/newest) Order (Descending by default)
* - Send Time
* - Built in Profile System
* - Icons shown in subject
* - Hovering over a subject or a message will show you the full message (Shows only partial in firefox)
* - Fixed Many bugs



To Update Plugin (1.3 and above only):

Meathod 1:
If you have Advanced Plugins Installed run the 'Check for updates plugin', and if there is an update run 'Auto Install'

Method 2:
Cycle the plugin by Deactivating & Reactivating the Plugin. This will automatically update the plugin.


Can I just say thanks for making it compatible with Adv Plugins. You've done it right as well Toungue. Interesting use of the readme function but it works Smile might have to do that in future instead of putting everything in one large file...
Ok, the file you are offering is messed up Smile. There are 3 folders in there. Only in one is the needed pmadmin.php. The Version Info says 1.5 and if I want to use it, it says I don't have the required permission.
Bill Wrote:Ok, the file you are offering is messed up Smile. There are 3 folders in there. Only in one is the needed pmadmin.php. The Version Info says 1.5 and if I want to use it, it says I don't have the required permission.

First 2 of them when I try to activate it says "File is not writeable" the third one as you mention I get the same error.
I get the same error.

Sorry about that, try this new version: (deactivate the plugin first if you are upgrading)

(same link in first post)

Note: Just cycling the plugin to update it will not work, because it affects plugma.php

If you are still getting an error please provide more detail on it.

For the 'you don't have the required permission' error, please go into phpMyAdmin and find the table 'adminoptions', and look for a column called 'caneditpms'. If it doesnt exist please post that it doesnt exist here.

Temperary Fix:

If it does not exists create a column called 'caneditpms'. You can use a query similar to this:
ALTER TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."adminoptions ADD caneditpms CHAR( 3 ) NOT NULL

If the values for each row in the 'caneditpms' column are not all equal to yes, you can run a query similar to this one:

UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."adminoptions SET caneditpms = 'yes' WHERE caneditpms <> 'yes'

For the cannot write to file error, try chmoding the following files to 766 or above

* /admin/
* /admin/index.php
* /inc/plugins/plugpma.php

If that does not work please tell me in this thread

P.S. decswxaqz, no problem. I also did have it use Easy Install at one point, but I made it so that it'll auto install without Easy Install Smile
CHMOD-ed to 777 and still received the same error.