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Full Version: Ryan G's Mods And Plugins - Updated for 1.4!
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I need to talk to MM about that.
Private Message Admin Update

New Version: 2.3.2

I've updated Private Message Admin. New features include a 'PM Pruning feature' and less files are now needed for PMA. I've also fixed a bug with quotes so they should look better now.

Upgrade instructions are included within the ReadMe file.
Will Done Tikitiki now it's great
Nice job Tikitiki. Now I can fetch it from MyBB mods! Thanks Smile
hi Smile

i'm slow, how do i use the message mod? i installed it, but where do i manage the PMs from?

I think there's a problem with the pruning tool. I set it to delete PMs older than 21 days.. I pruned them from the PMA and all PMs are gone.
same here it deleted all the pm's not the ones older then 30 days
Bah sorry. I forgot to change the insert value of it. I've fixed it on the site. And for those of you who've downloaded the plugin please run this script from your main mybb directory and delete it after its done.
get that whene trying to run the script
(Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.

Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined)
Bah. Stupid dreamweaver didn't save the file properly. I've fixed it. see the above attachment.
