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Full Version: Ryan G's Mods And Plugins - Updated for 1.4!
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CraKteR Wrote:I don't see why it should be so whiny about that. Toungue (Yes that was an joke)

Also why does it say 2.3 on the mods page? :p

lol, i made a mistake in my post. It will be 2.3.1 that will be released.
Private Message Admin 2.3.1 is released!

What's new in 2.3.1?
* Major bug fix release
* Fixes a bug with IE not showing the page
* Fixes a bug when viewing the second+ page, not working (received error)
* Fixes a bug with PM Count not showing up when viewing a private message
* Entirely rewritten JavaScript to bring up to MyBB 1.2 standards
* Added fancy effect when archiving/deleting a private message

It is recommended you upgrade to enjoy the full functionality of the features provided by Private Message Admin!
Well done! All that patience and time paid off! Big Grin
Tikitiki Wrote:Private Message Admin 2.3.1 is released!

Many thanks, Tiki. I appreciate all your hard work. How's the Pron Mod coming along? Toungue
OK, I've uploaded the newest version of PMA. Works fine, but I do notice that if I use Smart mode, when I go to the next page of PM's, it reverts back to normal mode. Also, if you look at any of the PM's, you're moved back to the first page, and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to get back to where you were, short of going through each page again!

Neat mod though! Big Grin
judel Wrote:OK, I've uploaded the newest version of PMA. Works fine, but I do notice that if I use Smart mode, when I go to the next page of PM's, it reverts back to normal mode. Also, if you look at any of the PM's, you're moved back to the first page, and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to get back to where you were, short of going through each page again!

Neat mod though! Big Grin

arg. I don't experience any of those problems on my localhost or on my live site. Other users have said they don't experience it either. Try a hard refresh.

* Ryan Gordon wants to slap someone
Jeesh, as long as it's not me!  LOL...what exactly is a "hard refresh"?

And I just tried it again at home, on a different computer, and I used IE this time!  Same problem!  Maybe it's just my site?  Wink
judel Wrote:Jeesh, as long as it's not me! LOL...what exactly is a "hard refresh"?

And I just tried it again at home, on a different computer, and I used IE this time! Same problem! Maybe it's just my site? Wink

Yep its just your site! ahahahaha. Hard refresh = hold shift and press the refresh button in firefox. In IE just do Cntrl + R

Edit: Can you make me admin on your site again? I'm going to try and do some debugging and see if it works fine for me.
LOL...har har! Big Grin Well, I did the hard refresh. No change...and I didn't realize you were going to log in to check. I have given you access to ACP again, if you wanted to see for yourself!
Hmm... thats odd... For some reason its not picking up the extra parameters. I feel something is wrong with:

function parse_http_query($table, $hash, $options=array())// $do="true",
		// $temp as to not overwrite it
		$temp_input = $this->input;

		if(!is_array($options) || count($options) < 1)
			$options['do'] = "true";

				$options['?'] = "";

		if($table != "" && $hash != "" && $options['do'] == "true")
			// Add the table and hash to the url
			if(is_array($table) && is_array($hash))
				foreach($table as $table1 => $tvalue)
					$temp_input[$tvalue] = $hash[$count];
				$temp_input[$table] = $hash;

		$count = count($this->input);

		if($hash == "" && $count > 0)

		if(version_compare(phpversion(), "5.0.0", ">="))
			$handler = http_build_query($temp_input);
			$handlers = array();

			// Build the url in a browser safe format
			foreach($temp_input as $query => $value)
				if(preg_match("/".$query."/i", PHP_HEADERS) || $query == $table)
					$handlers[] = $query."=".$value;
		$handler = implode($handlers, "&");
	if(isset($options['?']) && count($handler) > 0)
		$handler = "?".SID."&amp;".$handler;
	return $handler;