Strange, I've looked through the coding and I can't see any scripting errors near or on that area.
Its in one of the js files, but it doesn't specify (stupid IE). I think some of the problems lay in prototype.lite.js
If its any consolation, it's working alright at the moment
It is caused by this:
Event.observe(window, 'load', PMA.init);
As PMA.init is not an function.
o.o What should it be CraKteR?
You don't have to have that in it.
Or you can add:
init: function() { },
To var PMA.
As that is only what it should load when opening the page, as you don't have anything you should load (as I see). You don't need it.
I commented it out and it worked
Thanks, It just complains about this line now
$("column-" + pid).innerHTML = "";
What's the complain? :p
Try this?
var column = "column-" + pid;
$(column).innerHTML = "";
haha! wooo! Nevermind I just used "Element.remove('column-'+pid);"
yay! A new version of PMA (2.3.1) Shall be out by the end of the day
I don't see why it should be so whiny about that.
(Yes that was an joke)
Also why does it say 2.3 on the mods page? :p