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Full Version: Ryan G's Mods And Plugins - Updated for 1.4!
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still doesn't work.
Are you sure you have MyCode turned on for that forum?
yeah doesn't parse it.
but in the thread at it parses it.
I've updated my Private Message Admin plugin for MyBB 1.4. Everyone can check it out here:
Version Checking should be firing to those who have my 1.2 plugins installed and are updating to MyBB 1.4 right now.
(2008-08-03, 07:18 PM)Tikitiki Wrote: [ -> ]Version Checking should be firing to those who have my 1.2 plugins installed and are updating to MyBB 1.4 right now.

Hello, just installed the Private Message Admin mod as fresh on my board - uploaded all the files. When I view the log in Admin CP, and select all PMs in the list, then press "Delete Selected", all the PMs still remain in the list.

Is this a bug?

I'm using PM Admin 1.4. The Delete Selection button doesn't work. Help!

I'm sorry I'm really busy at the moment. I'll take a look when I get some free time.

(2008-08-06, 01:33 AM)Tikitiki Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

I'm sorry I'm really busy at the moment. I'll take a look when I get some free time.


I understand - no rush. Smile
(2008-07-15, 03:49 AM)Mmarzex Wrote: [ -> ]That fixed it is the site news plugin suppose to parse bb code?
well it isn't for me it doesn't parse it just shows what it looks like in the editor.
yeah doesn't parse it.
but in the thread at it parses it.

I'm having the same problem as this guy. Since I updated my forum it's not parsing the MyCode on my news page, but it is in the forum thread. Tried the posted file and it didn't work either. Any ideas?