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Full Version: Ryan G's Mods And Plugins - Updated for 1.4!
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Hmm, deactivated the plugin, uploaded the new version, activated it again, deleted a message: the error is still there.
Got a link to your pmadmin file? This shouldnt be happening at all. There is nothing in the script that should be creating a error like that.

Oh and you did upload pmadmin.php to your /admin/ directory, right?

And: yes. Smile

I'll clean op my cach in firefox, and try once again... Maybe is that the problem?

EDIT: No, the error is still there.
No. I think it has something to do with your servers configuration.

Oh and I'll need to have some sort of temperary permissions to access the admin cp. You can limit my admin permissions to only PMA 2.0. I'll sign up with my username being: Tikitiki
Done. You can access the cp.
When trying to access pmadmin.php I get this error: "Toegang geweigerd
U hebt geen toegang tot dit gedeelte van het BeheerdersCS."
Must have edited something wrong. Please wait a momentToungue

EDIT: try once again!

2: shoud I set the default language to english for a while?Smile I think you won't understand it. Toungue
nope Sad Go into Admin Permissions -> Select me -> and check the box that says "Private Message Admin" Next to it

EDIT: Yes, I think english is anice language Wink
EDIT2: I'm going to be away for a couple of hours
There's only an option that says: Can View Private Messages

and that has been set to: yes. Smile
Can you set it to no, then set it to yes again (cycle it)? It didnt work for some reason. And make sure its me your setting it yes too Wink