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Full Version: Ryan G's Mods And Plugins - Updated for 1.4!
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roy Wrote:open and close this error

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/****/domains/****/public_html/inc/plugins/plugpma.php:268) in /home/*****/domains/*****/public_html/admin/adminfunctions.php on line 88

sorry,ı bad speak english.

I don't get it. "open and close this error"?? open and close what?
Tikitiki Wrote:
roy Wrote:open and close this error

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/****/domains/****/public_html/inc/plugins/plugpma.php:268) in /home/*****/domains/*****/public_html/admin/adminfunctions.php on line 88

sorry,ı bad speak english.

I don't get it. "open and close this error"?? open and close what?

Plugin enabled /disabled(open,close)
It looks like you've got a modified version of adminfunctions.php
my adminfunctions.php

and Private messages 2 always
Replace your adminfunctions.php with a fresh copy
ok first problem fixed, 2 problem double private mesages, What false?
roy Wrote:2 problem double private mesages, What false?

That's not a bug. It displays all private messages. Each time you send a private message one gets copied to your sent folder. That's what is being displayed. If you don't want to see double just turn on Smart Mode
Tikitiki Wrote:
roy Wrote:2 problem double private mesages, What false?

That's not a bug. It displays all private messages. Each time you send a private message one gets copied to your sent folder. That's what is being displayed. If you don't want to see double just turn on Smart Mode

very thankings Tikitiki Smile
Terribly sorry if this has been asked already. I'm using your news mod, Tikitiki. I just can't understand where the the actual style is modified? Where is the css/other located?
hey i have installed your private admin tool.....look nice...but how i can see the private messages?

i need it because i make a billiard tournament and i dont will that anybody talk in PN`s the he/she will cheat....

my question is also:

where i can read the messages?