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Full Version: Ryan G's Mods And Plugins - Updated for 1.4!
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Ahh, well, I didn't download it from the mods site, now did I? Toungue

I wanted to use the "view own threads" mod.. But hadn't a clue how I should run those queries etc.
If you go into phpMyAdmin, you can execute those queries in the "sql" box
Just to let you know I have made the quck edit degrade nicefully. if you open
Edit Templates -> Postbit -> postbit_edit Then Replace it with this code:

<a href="editpost.php?pid=$post[pid]"onClick="quickedit('$post[pid]');return false;"><img src="$theme[imglangdir]/postbit_edit.gif" border="0" alt="Quick Edit" /></a>
This will mean that you will only have 1 button. If the user has Javascript enabled then it will open Quick Edit, and if they do not, it will go to the standard edit page. Smile
Do you have a link to the source of the files? I'm planning on putting in a few new features so you can control more aspects of it from acp. I'd also like to see that degrade, and I will impliment the non-javascript friendly suggestion
when i use in hebrew with the quick edit i get ������� and not hebrew!
I'm not sure why it would be doing that. You probably talk to the translator to see whats wrong
how can i translate you mods
Tikitiki Wrote:Do you have a link to the source of the files? I'm planning on putting in a few new features so you can control more aspects of it from acp. I'd also like to see that degrade, and I will impliment the non-javascript friendly suggestion
That was the only modification I made. Smile

To test it out, you can Regester at my forums: