MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Ryan G's Mods And Plugins - Updated for 1.4!
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Thanks, it works now.
Tikitiki Wrote:3 Quick Theme
Allows you to quickly and easily change your theme. It will nicely and easily integrate itself to the bottom of every page!

Activated and tried to change theme, it shows this....
Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.

Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.
Works for me Shy
Be sure you use the latest version. I downloaded it yesterday and it works.
If you wanna fix it yourself, open quicktheme.php (not the plugin)
and add:
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
It actually work...but after my numerous activating and deactivating, it showed that message.
I'm going to blame this one on you because its absolutely fine in the file Toungue


define("IN_MYBB", 1);

	require "./global.php";

	$db->update_query(TABLE_PREFIX."users", array('style' => intval($mybb->input['style'])), "uid=".$mybb->user['uid']);
	redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $lang->redirect_optionsupdated);


I've updated Auto Post Merger Plugin to include a Time limit setting which Only Merges posts within x minutes. For those of you who have download and installed the Auto Post Merger Plugin, fetch the latest one from the mods site, deactivate it from your forum, replace the files with the new ones, and then reactivate! Smile
I've released a new plugin called 'Restrict to IP' which allows you to set a range of ips - seperated by commas - that can ONLY access your forum. Everybody else will be denied.

In order to specify a range, for example you could type: 127.0.0. any it will match anything after that last dot.
Maybe I got the old file from the Beta Boards - LOL!
hi tikitiki i use post on reg in 1.8 i uprade 2.0 and upgrade to post on reg but there where a mistake

when a user want to be registrate it shows[/quote]

MySQL error: 1146
Table 'mydatabasename.users' doesn't exist
Query: SELECT regip FROM users WHERE uid = '1' LIMIT 1

i think the table prefix don't show this mydatabasename.tableprefiz_users

$ipquery = $db->simple_select("users", "regip", "uid = '{$fromuid}'", array('limit' => 1));
PMA gave this error:

You don't have the latest version of this plugin, go to...

(But the URL didn't work Toungue)