It's awaiting validation.
MyFacebook Connect 1.0.3 is out
Full changelog:
- Added a new setting and feature: you're now able to choose whether to allow only verified Facebook users to register to prevent bots and spam or not.
- New error handling system with exceptions printed on screen instead of being hidden.
- Fixed some minor issues with language files and with errors.
To upgrade, simply overwrite old files with the new ones and run the upgrade script as documented
here. A new package has been submitted to the Mods Site and should be available as soon as a moderator will approve it. Download the new package directly from
GitHub in the meantime.
(2013-05-29, 02:05 PM)Shade Wrote: [ -> ]It's awaiting validation.
MyFacebook Connect 1.0.3 is out
oh thats great.... thanks for the quick reply


thanks to this plugin...
but I thought some things could be improved...
1 - Possible register with "hideemail" ($user['hideemail'] == 1) option checked? Yes, for privacy reasons.
2 - i donĀ“t know why has option to put e-mail in registration (two Step mode)...
has high chances of user informing fake email or even incorrect.
I needed to make some changes in the plugin to prevent this.
Change template to remove field of e-mail...
and change
$newuser['email'] = $mybb->input['email'];
$newuser['email'] = $userdata['email'];
3 - and i change too
$username = "<input type=\"text\" class=\"textbox\" name=\"username\" value=\"{$userdata['name']}\" />";
$username = "<input type=\"text\" class=\"textbox\" name=\"username\" value=\"\" />";
this because force to user put nick instead of real name used on facebook.. and prevent user register on my forum with real name accidentally (privacy reasons).
4 - and changed this too
$checked = " checked=\"checked\"";
$checked = "";
to prevent the user to import some confidential information of facebook accidentally (privacy reasons).
1) Confirmed for 1.0.4.
2) That's for people who don't want to use the same email they've registered with Facebook. The "has high chances of user informing fake email or even incorrect" sentence doesn't make any sense since you can spoof and/or provide an incorrect email even with the default registration.
3) If you want to register with Facebook you know you'll use at least your name, but you can change it. To provide faster registrations the input is already filled with your FB name. There's no point on hiding it as it's public (privacy discourse doesn't make any sense here either).
4) If people want to import their PUBLIC (yet again, these are public data that everyone can see) informations, then they can uncheck the corresponding inputs. Again, there's no point on changing this behavior.
(2013-05-31, 12:11 PM)Shade Wrote: [ -> ]1) Confirmed for 1.0.4.
tried personally but had no success.
(2013-05-31, 12:11 PM)Shade Wrote: [ -> ]2) That's for people who don't want to use the same email they've registered with Facebook. The "has high chances of user informing fake email or even incorrect" sentence doesn't make any sense since you can spoof and/or provide an incorrect email even with the default registration.
in default registration not possible activate account using fake e-mail...
better i make changes in plugin personally ...
with the changes I made the registry with real name reduced drastically. It also reduced the people who import all setting of facebook. Probably because people hardly saw what was on the screen and clicked on save button. And I'm pretty sure that the e-mail used in registration exists.
Here stays the start for a huge talk about new boards' generation. The net is getting faster day by day, most new sites have quick registration processes with the fewest options possible to speed it up.
I think that the MyBB's registration system is quite obsolete. The EULA could be merged into the actual registration form and those 20+ settings before registering makes it one of the most slowly registration process I've been facing off in the last few years. If you add an email confirmation process to let your users to post, then either you have a big board with nice contents already or you make the fewest number of users you could make, and the latter is probably what every webmaster wants to achieve when building a website.
I personally use the faster registration method: instant activation. You may think I'm getting bots and spam every day but thanks to the core "extra email field" and some customizations to the registration page I haven't seen a spammy post and neither a spammy user yet.
Talking about your last points, the name is a public information so I don't know why you don't want to have users like that, and with the latest version of MFC you can restrict Facebook access to verified-only users so you certainly know they are real people if avoid bots is a problem for you.
(2013-05-31, 01:19 PM)Shade Wrote: [ -> ]Talking about your last points, the name is a public information so I don't know why you don't want to have users like that, and with the latest version of MFC you can restrict Facebook access to verified-only users so you certainly know they are real people if avoid bots is a problem for you.
real name not is public information....
Most of our forum user, avoids providing information that can determine who is behind the computer. Most use nick. Not real name. Our forum is about hobby that is not well seen by all...
I need e-mail address is real. I'm not talking about spam or bot, we've never had problems with it.
This is the main reason I do not use the MyTwitter Connect because I'm not sure that e-mail address provided in registration is real or fake. There is no process of email validation as in default registration.
Quote:I personally use the faster registration method: instant activation. You may think I'm getting bots and spam every day but thanks to the core "extra email field" and some customizations to the registration page I haven't seen a spammy post and neither a spammy user yet.
Can you talk more about this? Spammers seem to be having no issues with my custom quick registration form haha