Love you man for this, going to install it now for my forum - (will tell you if anything is wrong

Thanks for the new Update... The error
message you post on this sta was solved with new version, but I have a doubt in "PM sender" put (1) which is the UID of the user who sent the message, but do not take the message as meaning that send a Guest ...
Or am I doing something wrong?? Here a picture:
Have tested it this and installed it on my forum and works like a charm. Good job Shade.
Error Solved, Thanks ... Another thing I wanted to talk to you about is that I think the plugin is not compatible with PHP in Template Conditionals of Zinga Burga. Because when you are in the facebook registration page with the menu I get this:
PHP and Template Conditionals is compatible as MyFacebook Connect uses the core templating system. I've tested it and it works: maybe you're doing something wrong within <if> brackets. Post here your code and I shall see what's wrong with it.
The code I use for the menu is this:
<ul class="menu">
<li<if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'portal.php') then> class="active"</if>><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/portal.php">Inicio</a></li>
<li<if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index.php') then> class="active"</if>><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/index.php">Foros</a></li>
<li<if (THIS_SCRIPT == '') then> class="active"</if>><a href="Thread-Reglamento-General-de-InfraGames">Reglamento</a></li>
<li<if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'memberlist.php') then> class="active"</if>><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/memberlist.php">Miembros</a></li>
<li<if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'misc.php') then> class="active"</if>><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=help">{$lang->toplinks_help}</a></li>
Could you post your board's URL and give me a temporary admin account? I will look into it.
Your syntax is wrong.
<if THIS_SCRIPT == "whatever.php" then>stuff</if>