Well, I didn't think about it while I was developing it. I'll add it to my to-do list for 1.0.1 update. Thank you adbrad!
In the meantime, you can manually unlink your Facebook account by editing the user's "myfb_uid" column in mybb_users table, in PHPMyAdmin (or whatever you are using to manage your database). Just fill it with "0" and the plugin won't recognize anymore that account as linked.
thanks however i now can do nothing with this i click on the link it loads facebook i give permission then it just goes back to the home page logged as guest.
It's good with old member (email :my forum and facebook)
but with new member:don't Connect
An unknown error occured. The output of the error is:
Please report this error to an administrator and try again.
I'm from Vietnamese (sorry I don't understand English)
Pl help me
If i have 1 click registration enabled it works perfect if i disable this it will not let me fill out any registration details, it will just load facebook to as for permission then it will just go back to index page as a guest have i missed a setting or file edit somewhere.
Could you post a link to your board adbrad? I'll take a look at it.
@faxuhi: please read
this post, in which I explain the reasons of that error.
Doubled checked the code, stupid error found.
I'll release this evening a 1.0.1 version with many bugfixes, in the meantime if you want to solve this issue in particular:
Open your /myfbconnect.php file (
not /inc/plugins/myfbconnect.php), find, around line 24:
if(!$mybb->settings['myfbconnect_masterswitch']) {
header("Location: index.php");
Replace with:
if(!$mybb->settings['myfbconnect_enabled']) {
header("Location: index.php");
A typo which obviously doesn't let you do anything after that line.
Thanks i shall give it ago.
Thanks shade that worked perfect. I think i shall be taking it live shortly.
I'm sorry. all right now!
Thank you so much!
MyFacebook Connect 1.0.1 is out
Noticeable changes:
- Fixed a typo in a setting check which wouldn't let you login in certain situations.
- Introduced an user friendly error management system which lets you know why registration might fail in certain situations. If you don't know why any error would appear, don't hesitate to report it here or on GitHub.
- Registering with an already-taken username now prompts the registration page with the corresponding inline error both if you use either One-click registration or 2Step registration.
- Fixed a bug which caused the synchronization to fail at registration in 2Step registration mode.
- Eventual required Custom Profile Fields at registration are now ignored and bypassed when registering through Facebook, in both modes.
- New upgrading system with one-click upgrade from any version to any version of the plugin. No data losses and on-the-fly updates.
Thanks to all the guys who reported me these errors.
How to upgrade from any previous version
MyFacebook Connect 1.0.1 comes with an easy upgrading system which lets you update the plugin without losing any data. Just follow the instructions provided in the
You can download the new version from
GitHub, whereas a new package has been submitted to the Mods Site and should be available as soon as a moderator will approve it.